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I was awoke by the sun light beaming down onto my face. I moaned and covered my eyes as I laid in bed. Jimin was standing at the end of the bed smiling at me. He walked over to my side of the bed and climbed onto it and sat down in my lap.

"Time to get up baby." He says.

"But I don't want to tho." I replied.

"Well to bad you have no choice but to." Jimin says.

I sighed and got up out of  bed. I got dressed and did my makeup. Once I was finished getting ready i left the bathroom and put on my shoes. Jimin and I then left the hotel room and went to meet up with the others by the elevator. We got there and we were the first ones there. Soon Yoongi came over to us and smiled.

"Morning Yoongi." I said with a smile.

"Morning you two." He replied.

One by one the others came over to us and once we were all here, we all got into the elevator and went down to the cars waiting for us outside of the hotel. We all got into the SUVs and the driver drove off to the interview. When we got there there was a lot of fans gathered around the entrance of the building waiting for us. We got out of the cars and went inside to get ready for the interview.

Once we were ready we sat down in our seats and waited to go on air. When the on air sign lite up the hosts started to talk.

"Welcome back to the After School Club. I'm your host Eric along side my co-host," Eric says.

"Park Ji-min." Ji-min says with a smile.

"Now joining us to talk about her new album along side her follow bandmates it's Ocean and BTS." Ji-min says.

"I'm Ocean." I said with a smile.

"I'm Jimin."

"I'm RM."

"I'm Jin."

"I'm J-Hope."

"I'm Jungkook."

"I'm Suga."

"And I'm V."

"And we are. BTS!" We all said in perfect unsion.

"It's so good to have you all back here on the show. Last time you all were here it was for the Christmas special which was a lot of fun." Eric says.

"Thank you for having us back Eric." I replied.

"Now Ocean, you have recently released a new album by the name of We'll Always Love You. Can you tell us a little bit more about why you picked that name for it?" Ji-min asked me.

"Well the name came from my experience with telling my parents that I am bisexual. Now they were very supportive of me and they told me "we'll always love you" so I decided to name the album after that experience because I know that not every kid is as lucky as I was to have the support of their family and friends." I explained.

"Wow that is very interesting. What inspired some of the songs that are included in the album?" Eric asked me.

"Well the thing that inspired some of the songs that are included in the album are some of the things that I have experienced." I told them.

"Could you give us an example perhaps?" Ji-min asked and I nod my head.

"Well the song I Kissed A Girl is based on my first kiss when I was probably about 15 years old and it was with girlfriend at the time who happened to be my best friend as well. Her and I are still friends to this day as a matter of fact." I said and the looked at me in shock so did the guys.

"Now I have a question for the guys." Eric says and I nod my head.

"What is one thing each of you know about Ocean that army might not know about her?" He asked.

"Well one thing that I know about her for sure is that she is a hard working person and she is always looking for ways to improve both herself and her music." Namjoon says with a smile.

"She's a very nice girl. Just a few weeks ago I was sick and she looked after me and made sure I got better. And in the process I got her sick but she didn't care about that. Her main concern was making sure I felt better." Hoseok smiled.

"Ocean is one heck of a good cook and baker at that. She's always in the kitchen making stuff for us. And I thought I was a good cook. Yet she is making top notch food." Jin says.

"She's really artistic. She can draw literally anything. She even designed her own album cover." Jungkook says.

"Ocean, is very handy and she's really good at fixing things. Just last week my computer broke and she was able to fix it within an hour and a half." Yoongi says.

"She did gymnastics when she was younger and she competed in a gymnastics tournament and she won first place in everything." Jimin says.

"She has a outstanding memory. Like she can remember something from when she was like 10 years old." Taehyung says.

"Wow. Those are really interesting facts. Unfortunately we have to go to break now but when we come back Ocean will be put to the test with some of the things that the boys just said. So stay tuned for that." Ji-min smiled and once the on air light went off the staff started to clear the set to make room for me to do whatever they have planned for me to do. The manager came over to me to tell me what I will have to do.

After the break...

The on air light came back on and Eric and Ji-min smiled at the camera.

"Welcome back to after school club and we are here with Ocean and her fellow bandmates of BTS. As you all can see there is nothing on the stage here because some of the things that we are having Ocean do will need the hole stage. So without further ado let's get right into it." Ji-min smiled.

"First up, Ocean will be doing a gymnastics routine for us. When ever your ready Ocean you can start." Eric says and I nod my head.

I got ready and once I was ready I looked to the dj and he nods his head and put on the song I told him to use and the song is called Dancing King by Yu Jae Seok, Exo. I did my thing and I as I did the guys were shocked at some of the things I was doing.

After the interview...

The guys and I left the studio and went back to the hotel. its like 8:00 pm and I'm really hungry. Once we finished eating I got ready for bed because I have a big day tomorrow. I will be meeting up with the members of Exo, NCT U, and Got7 so we can talk about our collab song which the guys have no idea about. 

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