Moon is just a regular girl who loves to sing and dance but that all changes when she additions for Big Hit Entertainment and is added as the 8th member of a all boy Kpop boy group by the name of BTS.
I woke up to Jimin stroking my hair with one arm wrapped around me. When he realized that I was awake he smiled to me.
"Morning babe." He says with a smile.
"Morning baby. Did you sleep well?" I replied.
"Yeah. What about you?" He says in response.
"I slept amazingly well." I smiled.
"Good. Now that your up, you should get ready for our date." Jimin tells me and I nod my head.
I got up out of bed and got dressed for our date. After I get was done getting dressed I did my hair and makeup.
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I then left the room and went into the living room where Jimin was. He smiled to me and held out his arm for me to take ahold of it and I did. We told the others that we were leaving and then we left the dorm and got into the car.
At the dinner...
We got to the dinner and walked inside. Once we were inside we sat down at our table and we then ordered our food and started talking about different things but than Jimin asked me something that I wasn't expecting him to ask me.
"What would you say if I were to ask you to marry me?" He asked.
"Well I would say yes of course. There is no way on earth I would say no." I told him.
"Good to know." He says and that's when our food came.
We started eating and as we ate our food we continued to talk and make each other laugh.
At the zoo...
We got to the zoo and before we headed inside we put on our mouth masks and baseball hats to make sure no one recognizes us. We then headed inside the zoo and began to look around. As we were looking at the snakes Jimin got a text message from someone. He looked at his phone to see who it was and it was Jin. Once Jimin replied to Jin's message we continued to look around.
We came to a spot that didn't have anyone in and we walked over to the deer. Jimin turned to me and smiled.
"Moon, I love you more than words can describe. Every since we first started dating I knew you were the one for me. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Jimin says and he pulled out a box and got down on one knee.
"Kim Moon will you marry me?" He asked.
"Yes." I said and he smiled. He put the ring on my ring finger and got up. I then gave him a big hug and once I pulled away I pulled down his mouth mask and I did the same for me and I gave him a kiss. After a while I pulled away and smiled to him.
"I love you Moon." Jimin says with a smile.
"I love you to Jimin." I replied.
"Let's head back to the dorm. I have a surprise there for you." Jimin says and I nod my head.
We left the zoo and got into Jimin's car and headed back to the dorm.
At the dorm...
We got to the dorm and we went inside. When we entered the room it was pitch black but then someone turned on the lights and the guys and my family popped up from where they were hiding.
"Surprise!" They all said with a smile on their faces.
"Well what did she say Jimin?" Yoongi asked.
"She said yes." Jimin replied and the guys looked very happy.
"That's fantastic. We are all so happy for the two of you." Taehyung says with a smile.
"Moon you know how your mother and I told you that you have a twin brother but we gave him up for adoption?" My dad asked me and I nod my head.
"Yeah what about him?" I asked him in return.
"I've come to meet my twin sister." Someone says and then a guy appeared beside my parents.
"It's good to see you Moon." He says with a smile.
"Abel?" I said in shock.
"Yes it's really me Moon." He says and I walked up to him and gave him a great big hug. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. But it wasn't a tear of sadness it is a tear of happiness. I haven't seen Luke in years.
"I've missed you so much Luke." I said and I pulled away from him and wiped the tears from my eyes.
"I know. And I've missed you as well. Both my adoptive parents have pasted away and I thought I would reconnect with my real family." He says.
"That must have been hard for you to handle." I said and shook his head.
"No not really. They were mean to me. And they treated me like I was nothing to them. A lasted, I'm just thankful that I am where I belong with you and our family." He smiled.
"Yes. This is were you belong. But I just want to know how on earth were you able to find him Jimin? And how did you know that I had a twin?" I asked Jimin as I turned to him.
"Oh I have a family member that works as a detective and he helped me track him down. That and I talked to your parents about him." Jimin says with a smile.
"Why don't we all spend some time together and celebrate your engagement." Hoseok says and I smiled.
"That would be nice." I said with a smile.
Before we left Jimin and I went to get changed into different clothes.
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Once Jimin and I were done getting changed the two of us left the bedroom and we left th dorm with th others to go celebrate the engagement.
A/n: sorry for how short the chapter was. Please don't kill me you guys. I have been wanting to do this chapter for a long time and I have been planning it. Anyways I better get going now. Hopefully the wedding chapter will be out by Valentine's Day.