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Today we are heading back to South Korea. As much as I don't want to leave Hawaii we have to go back home to get ready to go on your again.  I got up out of bed and got dressed for the day. We are leaving for the airport at 11:00 am and it's currently 9:30 am.

I woke Jimin up and then headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. When I got to the kitchen Yoongi was up and he was making pancakes for us.

"Morning Moon." He smiled.

"Morning Yoongi." I said and sat down at the kitchen island.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"Yes I did. How about you?" I replied.

"Same here. I've been up since 6:30." He says.

"That's really early for you. You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I feel awesome. I guess I'm just going to miss Hawaii." He states.

"I am to. This place is the best. Especially the food.  We definitely have to come here for our tour. I know we have a lot of fans here in Hawaii." I said.

"We do?" Yoongi questions.

"Well yeah. Most of my friends here are huge fans of ours and they really would love to see us perform here in Hawaii." I respond.

That's when the others came out and sat down at the island. Yoongi gave us all our pancakes and fixed himself a plate. While we ate we all talked about random things and what not but then there was a knock on the front door.

"I'll be right back guys." I said and walked off to answer the door. When I opened the door it was my cousin John.

"John." I said and gave him a hug.

"Moon. It's nice to see you again." He smiled.

I pulled away and let him inside the house. I closed the door and locked it and showed him to the kitchen. We got to the kitchen and the guys looked at me because I was laughing.

"That was a funny joke John." I laughed.

"Moon who's this?" Jungkook asked.

"Guys this is my cousin John. John these are my fellow bandmates." I said.

"It's nice to meet you all. Moon has told me all about each of you." He smiled.

"It's nice to meet you John." Jin says with a smile.

"I heard that you guys are leaving today." John says.

"Yes sadly we are." I reply.

"Well I came to spend some time with you all before you leave. Since I couldn't come before. I just got back yesterday from a business trip." John says.

"Sure. We would love that." Namjoon says.

We all finished eating breakfast and then we all went out onto the back deck to chill in the sunlight while we talk. It's a good thing we all packed our bags last night so we could be ready to go when we have to leave for the airport.

11:00 AM...

It's time for us to leave for the airport now and John said that he would come along to see us off. We all got into the limo and Fred drove off to the airport. As we were on our way to the airport we all were talking about random things and what not.

"Moon here would always be covered in bursies growing up. That and she would always find a way to hurt herself by doing dumb stuff." John tells the guys.

"Oh really? Like what kind of dumb stuff would she do?" Jungkook asked him.

"Well once she climbed up this very tall tree that we had in the backyard. She literally climbed all the way to the top of the tree and then she took a selfie and some pictures of the sunset before she got down. On her way down she slipped and free fell all the way to the bottom thankfully she didn't get seriously hurt. She only a few cuts and scrapes, but that was about it." John says.

"Hey you know I was a tomboy and I still am a tomboy." I said in defense.

"Yes I know. But still you should have never done that to begin with." John states.

At the airport...

We got to the airport and we all got out of the limo. I said goodbye to John before I got on the plane. Once I was on the plane I sat down and the plane took off.

Back home...

We're back in South Korea now and we just got to the dorm. I'm unpacking my things while the others are watching tv in the living room. Once I finished I went to the gym to workout. When I got there Jungkook was already working out but he stopped when he saw me and smiled to me.

"Hey Moon." He smiled.

"Hey Jungkook." I smiled back.

I walked over to the punching bag and started to punch it. After a while I went to get a shower before I made all of us dinner. Once I was showered I dried off and put on some comfortable clothes before heading to the kitchen to make dinner. When I got to the kitchen I started to make us all dinner and I decided to make lasagna for dinner.

A couple hours later...

Dinner is now ready to eat so I called the others to come eat.

"Dinner's ready guys." I said as I put the lasagna on this table. They all came rushing into the kitchen and they all immediately sat down at the table. I had them hand me their plates one by one so I could put their piece of lasagna on the plate. Once we all had a piece I sat down and we all started to eat. As we all ate our food we talked about stuff and about our upcoming concert in Seoul. It's in three weeks so we have plenty of time to practice for the concert. And this concert will start our world tour and my world tour as a soloist as well. When we were in Hawaii I got yet another tattoo and I didn't tell the guys yet. I got it on my neck and it's a tattoo of a black rose. I had Raven do it because she is a tattoo artist and she's my friend so I trust that she wouldn't try to do anything stupid. And I knew I made a good choice when I decided to have her do it for me. My hair is currently covering my neck so they can't see it right now. But I have to tell them eventually so I might as well tell them now. I decided to move my hair from covering my neck to see if Jungkook would notice it or not and he did.

"Since when did you get a tattoo on your neck Moon?" Jungkook asked and the others just looked at me in confusion.

"I got it on Monday." I reply.

"And who exactly did it for you?" Jin asked.

"Raven did. She's a tattoo artist. And she to has many tattoos." I said.

"Yes we clearly could tell when we first met her." Namjoon says.

"What is the tattoo of?" Yoongi asked.

"It's a black rose." I said.

"Doesn't a black rose mean death?" Hoseok asked.

"Yes it does. And my nickname just so happens to be black rose. Growing up I would compete in fights and I was unbeatable. Everyone I had a fight with I would accidentally put them in the hospital. And that's how my nickname came about." I told them.

"Is there anything else we should know about?" Yoongi asked.

"Uh. Yes. That's not the out tattoo I got. I got another one on my shoulder and it's a tattoo of a skull with a spider coming out of the eye socket." I said. 

"Well that does represent you so much. I can see why you liked that one some much." Taehyung says.

"Well you know me. I was a troublemaker in school. And I did get into a lot of fights." I shrugged.

One hour later...

We have finished eating dinner now and I'm cleaning up the dishes with Jin while the others watch some TV in the living room. Once Jin and I finished cleaning the dishes and what not we both went into the living room and joined the others with watching tv.

A few hours later...

It's like midnight and I'm the only one still up watching tv. The others all went to bed. But I'm starting to get tired now so I think going to head off to bed as well. I opened the door to the bedroom and Jimin was laying in bed reading a book. He probably couldn't sleep since I wasn't there next to him. I got changed into my bra and underwear then I climbed into bed. Jimin had put his book down while I got changed. I laid my head down on his chest and closed my eyes soon I found myself sound asleep.

A/n: what did you guys think? 💜💜💜

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