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We are back at the house right now and I am getting ready for my fight with Chad. Jimin noticed that I was having trouble with brushing my super long hair so he came over to me and took the hairbrush to help me out.

"Thanks Jimin." I smiled to him in the mirror.

"Your welcome my love." He smiled back.

"Would you like me to tie your hair up for you?" He asked kindly.

"If you don't mind." I reply.

"I don't mind baby." He says. He tied my hair up in a high ponytail for me. 

"Moon." Jimin says.

"Yes hon." I reply.

"Why are you fighting this Chad guy?" He asked I looked at him in the mirror.

"He's Raven's ex boyfriend. She told me that he was seeing another girl behind her back and he ended up getting the other girl pregnant. But that's not why I'm fighting him. She also told me that he would hit her." I told Jimin.

"Really? Why?" He says.

"She didn't say why he would hit her. But I am guessing that she would hang out with her other friends that are guys and he would get mad. Chad didn't like it when she hung out with them in university. I am her only friend that is a girl." I state.

"Oh. Well I mean. I get that everyone deserves friends but to go as far as hitting someone for hanging out with other guys is just not cool." Jimin says.

"I know. And I have always had Raven's back. Hell even if I wasn't here on vacation and she called me to tell me that I would've fly all the way out here to beat the shot out of him. No one and I mean no one hurt her and gets away with it." I said.

"You two must be really close then." He says.

"We are. Her and I are like sisters in a way. We always help each other out. In university I was going through some shit and she was there to help me through it. If it wasn't for her I most likely wouldn't be alive." I told him.

"Really? You tried to take your own life?" He asked.

"Yes she did. Thankfully I found her in the nick of time. I stopped her from doing it. One of her ex boyfriend's had found out she was here in Hawaii for university and he came here to try and get her to date him again." Raven says standing in the doorway.

Jimin and I looked at her.

"It's true Jimin. What she just said. But that ex boyfriend that came here would hit me and shit. I broke up with him when I found him sleeping with my high school's mean girl. And she would bully me and he would join her with." I state.

"That's just plain old mean." Jimin says.

"Tell me about it." I reply.

"Well we should head downstairs now. Chad should be here soon." Raven says. Jimin and I nod and followed her downstairs to the living room.

We got there and the others were waiting for us. We went outside onto the beach to wait for Chad. As we waited I warned up with my other friend that came over to see me and his name is Kichi. Kichi came to back me up just in case because Raven insisted that he come. So I called him up to come here to make Raven happy.

10 minutes later...

Chad finally got here directly at 8:30. He came around onto the beach and looked at me with a smirk.

"Glad you could make it Chad." I said.

"Yeah well I wasn't about to pass up this opportunity to finally settle the argument of which one of us is stronger." He says and got ready to fight me.

"We both know that I am stronger than you. Plus which one of us actually made the wrestling team in college. Cuz if I remember correctly it was me and not you." I state and got ready.

"True. But that was then this is now. I wasn't that strong back then like I am now. So let's have a rematch." Chad says.

I motioned my hand forward for him to come strick first. He ran towards me and tried to punch me in the face I douged his fist and bent all the way down. I punched him in the stomach and then kicked him in the chin. He fell backwards and I stood up straight. He got up straight away and tried to kick me in the head but I grabbed his leg and flipped him on his back. He got back up and pulled out a knife. I shrugged and he came at me with the knife I punched him in the face, twisted the hand he was holding the knife in and he dropped it. I let go of his arm and kicked him in the head. He punched me in the mouth leaving me with a bloody lip. Now this pissed me off even more then I  already was. I went into full kick ass mode. I punched him in the eye then kicked him the face and flipped him on his back. I got on top of him and just beat the shit out of him. Kichi and Raven and to pull me off of him so I didn't do anymore damage to him then what I already have.

"Never hurt Raven again or you'll have me to deal with. And next time I will out you in the fucking hospital Chad." I said. He got up and ran off.

"You good now Moon?" Kichi asked me I nod my head.

"Yeah I'm good." I said and Kichi and Raven let me go.

Jimin came over to me to see if I was okay. When he reached me he noticed that I was bleeding.

"My baby's bleeding. You poor thing." He says and gently wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fine Jimin." I said and forced a smile onto my face.

He pulled me into a hug because he knew I wasn't going to be okay. He know's when I have something to tell him and the others. He pulled away from after a while and looked me in the eyes.

"Moon you know that if there's something you need to tell us you can. We will always be here for you to talk to no matter what it is." He says.

"I know Jimin." I said, I looked to Raven and Kichi and they nodded their heads at me saying I should tell them. I then looked at Jimin and he knew I to talk about something so he brought me over to the others and sat down. I sat down in between him and Jungkook.

"Before you guys ask me why I lost my shit on  Chad when he punched me in the mouth. I have to talk to you all about something and it has to do with why I lost my shit." I said.

"Okay. We're listening Moon." Namjoon says. I took a deep breath and exhaled before j started talking.

"I was about 16 years old at the time, and one day I was walking to my friends house and this can came up beside me and three men got out. They tied my hands behind my back put a bag over my head and put me in the van and drove off. At first I didn't realize that I was being kidnapped. When the van stopped they took me out of the van and into a building. They tired me up and when they took off the bag from my head it hit me I had been kidnapped." I started.

"They would constantly punch me and they raped me multiple time. There wasn't anything I could do to stop them. My friends dad rescued me and looked after me for a while. Because of what they did to me I don't like it when people punch me especially in the face." I said.

"That's awful Moon. Did you report the people who kidnapped you?" Jin asked.

"I did. And they all were charged and sent to prison for life." I reply.

"Well at least you got justice." Namjoon says.

"That is true." I state.

"Well I think we all should go to bed now. It's getting late." Yoongi says.

"I agree." Hoseok says.

We all headed inside the house and went to bed. I got changed and climbed into bed. I laid my head on Jimin's chest and he put his arm around me.

"I love you Moon." He says.

"I love you to Jimin." I said and closed my eyes.

I soon found myself drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

A/n: what did you guys think of it. I hope you liked it. 💜💜

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