The performance

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Jimin and I are currently in the dance studio practicing for our duet at our next concert we have and coming together and our concert is tomorrow night. Now the guys have no idea that the two of us are doing multiple performances together and I can'r wait to see the looks on their faces we Jimin and I start to do our first performance. Our manager came in to the room and smiled at the two of us.

"There you two are." He smiled.

"Hi manager." I smiled.

"They others are worried about the two of you. They told me that you two have been in her all day. And that the only time they have seen you two is at rehearsal for tomorrow night's concert." He says.

"That would be true." Jimin says.

"It's because we wanted to make sure that our duets are perfect for tomorrow night." I explained and our manager nods his head.

"I see. Well you two better go get some sleep now. You don't want to be tired by tomorrow night now do you?" He says and we shook our heads as a no.

"Sorry manager we just want to make sure we know all of the choreography to each of the songs considering the fact that we are performing a lot of duets." Jimin says.

"It's okay Jimin. I get were you both are coming from. I was the same way when I used to perform. Anyways that's besides the point just go get some rest and make sure to eat something before hand because from what SeokJin told me neither of you have had anything to eat yet today." He says and we nod.

The three of us left the dance studio but before we did I made sure to take out the disk with the songs that Jimin and i will be performing tomorrow night on it and we went into the living room where the others were sitting around and talking to each other about different things.

"There you two are." Namjoon says, relieved to see Jimin and I.

"Why are you two so sweaty and dirty?" Yoongi asked us.

"They were working on something important Yoongi." Our manager says.

"Oh okay. I bet you two must be hungry after all, neither of you haven't eaten at all today." SeokJin says with a smile.

The next day...

My alarm clock started to go off and I immediately turned it off because I didn't want it to wake up Jimin. You see I've been up for at least two hours now because I'm getting ready to head out to film my new music video. I set an alarm for when I should leave and I also made a note to tell the others were I have gone. I gathered my things and left the room. I quietly walked into the living room and to my surprise Yoongi was up watching tv. So much for leaving without beefing seen. But that doesn't mean i can't try to leave with going unnoticed but I doubt that it will work. I made it to the door without Yoongi noticing me but now I have to open the door and rush out. Unfortunately he noticed me opening the door and got up.

"Moon what on earth are you doing up this early?" He asked.

"Nothing." I replied.

"It doesn't look like it. Plus your fully dressed and you were trying to sneak off somewhere." He states.

Okay fine you caught me. I was on my way to the set of my new music video." I told him and he nods his head.

"Okay. I'll let the others know where you've gone. And i know the drill do not let the come visit you while you film it." He says and i smiled. I gave him a big hug before i left.

I got into my car and headed off to the set of my new music video.

On the set...

I got there and parked my car. I then got out and grabbed the bag i had put in the back seat then i headed inside. Once i was inside i got changed into my kick boxing clothes and i had my staff tie my hair up into a high pony tail. My good friend came up to me and she smiled to me.  Her name is Ronda Rousey and she is a American professional wrestler. I asked her to come be apart of my music video because she owes me for what i did for her on her birthday last year.

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