chapter 2.

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"Here, come with me, I know this place." The guy behind me says, before I feel him lifting my body off the ground. He pushes me inside the dark room, and I've always been terrified by small places. For now I've so many questions, for example, 'how can someone lift a body like mine that easily? I shouldn't be saying things like this, but it makes it easier to believe them. Bringing myself down's one of the few talents I've.

"Thank you for that, for helping me I mean." He nods his head, but he isn't making eye contact, not making eye contact seems even more awkward. Maybe he isn't interested in making eye contact, or small talk. The first thing I notice are those gorgeous tattoos. After that I notice two big strong arms, dear lord safe me. This makes sense, those arms carried me. How can a person be this brawny, it's fascinating. Alright, so he is hot, but that doesn't mean I am crushing on him. It means I am crushing on him, I am talking trash again. Only a tiny crush on this god, but how can I not crush on something looking like this? His skin is soft, he is tattooed, he has these beautiful deep green eyes, dark hair and don't get me started on his body, because damn. This guy is handsome and I don't know how to function around handsome. I don't do troublemakers, but I would make an exception for a guy like this.

"This might be a little awkward." I tell him in a small voice. Not that I mind his erection against my butt, but this wasn't planned for me, which makes it awkward. I don't want to be rude or anything like that, but I don't want to make myself more uncomfortable. We are definitely trying to keep distance between his crotch and my butt, but that is not the easiest thing to do in a place as uncomfortable as this. Keeping distance seems unreachable, like this guy. I don't want to make it worse for either of us, but making people feel awkward is kind of what I do. It is one of those few talents. This will get worse ones I start moving, but staying still next to a guy like this, while I am nervous isn't fair. But I can't seem to stand still, I think it is the heat, it is hot inside here. It is definitely the heat.

"I was going to get laid, okay? She was a hot blonde and I am horny. So excuse me if my dick is as hard as a motherfucking rock, princess. It isn't for you though, so relax. It isn't like I would touch you or anything." He tells me, sounding angry. What did he even mean by him not touching me? Am I that ugly? And why was he even mad, he couldn't just be mad at me, while I was doing nothing wrong. Hell no, he doesn't get to be mad at me for something I didn't create. That is his dick, not mine, not my problem. He can take care of his own business, while I get out of here.

"Don't call me princess, I would appreciate if you did call me anything but princess." I tell him, the nickname 'princess' makes me think about him, I don't want to think about him. Not now, not ever, he and I are over and thinking about him makes me want to cry. It makes me uncomfortable and this situation is already uncomfortable enough on itself. It makes me think about all the terrible things he did to me, and it makes me want to throw up. I can't do this, not here, not now. I just turn my head to the other side, and I just stare at the ground.

"Okay, princess." He says with a smirk, and the fact he knows it irritates me, makes me angrier. I slowly start grinding my butt against his crotch, while I wait for something to happen, because I know something will happen. He is a horny guy, I got an ass and I want my payback. We wait just to get him to the point he will be sexually frustrated, when I leave him alone with his sad boner. He starts breathing differently and I just let out a laugh, before walking away. I hear him yelling something, but I keep walking. Fuck him, I told him to stop calling me princess, and he decided not to listen. He could have seen something coming, and it wasn't him. It is his own fault, I warned him about calling me princess. In the usual situation, I would have slapped someone already if they did something like that, but right now I thought teasing him would be a better way to teach him a lesson.

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