chapter 18.

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I woke up in two strong arms, Dom. I turned around and I saw his sleepy face, it was relaxed and it there was no stress on his face. His face is beautiful and I could keep looking at him all day long. "How long have you been staring at my handsome face baby?" He asked me and I let out a giggle, "Not that long," I tell him lying and he noticed it, "Babe, don't lie to me. Or I will tickle the hell out of you." He told me as it should be a treatment, it was not. "It was uhm," I stopped before running to the bathroom, but Dom catched me in his arms and pushed me on top of him. "There is no getting out of this now, baby." He told me with a serious look and I couldn't help, but ask myself if he meant this as in us as well.

"You are gorgeous baby." He told me while I was still laying on his beautiful toned body. "You are very handsome," I told him and he looked down at me, since I was laying on his stomache with my head, we layed there in a comfortable silence. I just looked at him and he was stroking my hair and pulling it around his fingers as he was kissing my knuckles as well. "I love you so fucking much," he said and I looked up again and I stroked his cheek, "and I love you so much, Dominic." I told him and he lifted me, so my head was at the same height as his head. "I am going to kiss you now, we will make love, than we have breakfast, after breakfast I want to hug you before we leave and go looking for some clothes, for both of us." He told me and I just nodded, "Sounds like a great plan to me, Big guy." I say and his eyes widened, "did you just give me a nickname based on my dick?" He acted shocked and I started laughing, but stopped whem he threw me on the bed covers and he got on top of me, "That is not funny, right?" He asked me in a hot voice, "No, big man, it is not funny at all."

Well, that was hot. He was top, but believe me, I will be next time. We went out for breakfast as well, we got ourselves bagels and I got one with cheese and Dom got one with so many different things on it, I only remember avocado and some other green things. I took a bite and it was disgusting, we got in a little argument about the taste, because Dom loved it. I just hate the taste of avocado, change my mind. After we got breakfast, we went to a mall in the neighborhood and it was huge.

"Let's go to these ones first, because I want you to pick some shirts." He pointed at a store in the corner and we got over there. I saw so many cute shirts, but I didn't believe they would look good on me at all. I was looking at them, until I felt two big hands sliding up my hips, "Try them on babe," and with that I just grabbed them. I tried the first one, which was a orange top with no text on it. It actually didn't look horrible. "What do you think?" I ask Dominic as I got out of the changing room, "It is hot," he said and he licked his lips. Guys and their nuts can't chill out for a second. "I really like it on you, babe." He said and I changed into the next shirt, which was a v-neck AC DC shirt, I love their music. "No." He said and I looked at him, "What?" I asked, "No," he said again and I just looked at him, confused. "Do I look ugly? What is wrong with it?" I asked him, I liked this one the most, "The neck, I can see your tits and fuck I love the fact I can see them, but that means other people can as well." I looked at him with a challenging eyebrow, "I will take it." I tell him and he walks up to me, but before he can say anything else I close the door and lock it.

"Seriously?" I ask him, "Yes." He said and I just kept whining, "do we have to?" I ask him again, "yes baby, I want to see you in those." He points at a pink lingerie, "Dom, I really don't want to try everything on you like, because you like this entire store." I saw pointing at the Victoria Secret store. "Well, baby please?" Dominic asks me and I give in, "Okay," I grab some of the bra's i like and some Dominic likes. "Now go away, I am going to change." I tell him and he is the one whining now, "I want to see them." He says and I shake my head, "Not yet." And with that he went out of the changing room.

I picked five lingeries and I paid for three myself, but Dominic was willing to fight me about paying them. "Dom, I am glad you did not pay for all of them. I am a big girl." I tell him and he let out a laugh, "I know babe, I just like to buy you things." We got back home and I was walking to the bathroom to take a shower, "I have to take a shower, Dom." I say and he kept following me, "I need one as well." And with that he got inside the bathroom as well, "I will warm the shower up, come in after two minutes baby." He says and I just nod and get grab my shampoo and I get in the bathroom. "Now let's shower baby." Dominic says and I let out a soft laugh.

Thanks to everyone for voting on my story, but also for reading it! I appreciate it so much and thank you for following me and for  everything you guys have helped me through<3 -Hope

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