chapter 17.

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Next chapter at the 50 followers!
"Baby, are you one hunderd precent sure?" Dominic asked me with an unsure face, "Yes Dominic, are you not sure you want me?" I asked him and he started shaking his head, "No baby, I am sure I want you, more than anything. I am just asking, because you know,  I don't want you to regret it, you will get addicted." He told me and I started kissing him again and he tapped under my thighs and I jumped in his arms. "We are going to take this very slow, so you will not have any regrets, later." I nod my head and he moved to his bed, with me in his arms.

Dominic placed me on his bed and he got on top of me, but his weight stayed on his arms. His hands got under my shirt and he started kissing me again, "You are fucking beautiful," he said and I kissed him back again. "Alli, I, I think I love you." Dominic told me and I felt my heart getting warmer, "You don't have to love me back, not yet. I get it, if you don't love me back yet." I pressed my lips on his so he would be quiet.

I was still under Dominic and Dom started removing his shirt slowly and Jezus Christ, he was a god. His tattooed skin was so smooth and beautiful and his piercings, I love those piercings even though everyone I know would hate them. Dominic was asking me for permission and he started removing my shirt as well, but slower, he moved it a little up and gave a kiss on my stomache, he started going a little higher kissing there as well, untill he reached my bra. "Can- can I remove your shirt?" He asked me and I nodded.

My shirt was off and Dominic started kissing my face again, before kissing my cleavage, "you are fucking gorgeous." He told me and he started kissing me again, before slowly removing his pants, I could see something through his boxers and I knew I was going to break, but if I break and if someone breaks me, I want it to be Dominic. "I love you too." I told him and he kissed me again, "good, cause I was scared you might have hated me," he joked and he started removing my pants as well, "I will be gentle, don't worry, but I wouldn't be the next times."

(Smut starting)
He removed my pants and I was in only my underwear now, I felt a little scared about him seeing me like this but he kept kissing my hips and I just looked at him not sure what else to do. "Can I remove your bra, love?" He asked me and I nodded before he gave me a little kiss on my hip again before removing my bra slowly. "Fucking beautiful," he said before he kissed my boob and he licked one of my nipples slowly, while he was stroking my other nipple lightly. I jerked up a little and I heard him laugh, but it was a sweet laugh. "Glad I can have this effect on you," he said and he stopped right then and he started moving to my panties. "Cute panties," he said and he started stroking my pussy on my panties, "oh my god," I said and he looked up through his eyelashes. He removed my panties and he trew them on the ground.

He started kissing my thighs and I jerked up a little again, "Baby, have you never touched yourself as well?" Dominic asked me and I shook my head, "I didn't know how or what to do." I say before his finger slighted against my clit, "oh my-" I said and I tried to lay still as much as I could, "I am going to push my finger in, baby." He said and I nodded and after I nodded I felt his first finger sliding inside me. "Fuck," I whispered out, "Fuck, you are tight and fucking gorgeous," he said and he started moving his finger a little faster and I started breathing a little faster, "does this feel good baby?" I nod my head in a quick nod and he lets out a beautiful soft laugh. "I am going to do something else baby," he said and he started kissing my clit and when I thought him fingering me was the best feeling ever, joke was on me. His mouth even felt better.

"Fuck you taste amazing," he was eating me out and he was licking and biting a little as well and I was here, on his bed, panting like a dog. "That- that is amazing," I told him and I felt my legs shaking a little and I never experienced this feeling, "baby, cum for me. Right here, right now." And with that I felt relieved, I just came for the first time ever. This feeling was the best, "Now we can go on to the better stuff baby," he said and I knew he meant having sex.

Dominic removed his underwear as well and looked up to me, I nodded my head to tell him I was ready. He got the hint and he searched for a condom, while he was searching for a condom, I was looking at his, not so little friend who was poking in my thigh. "Are you ready?" He asked me and I nodded my head, he pushed the condom on and his dick was in front of my entrance. "I am just going to put my tip in first, alright?" He asked and I nodded. He pushed his tip inside of me and I opened my mouth, but there weren't coming any words out of it. "You okay?" He asked me again and I nodded, "Ye-yeah, just don't break me immediatly." I said with a little smile, he laughed at it and he pushed his dick inside of me. "Oh my-" I said and fuck, it hurts like hell. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked me and I shook my head, "No, just start moving." I told him and he did as I asked him, he started moving in a slow tempo. After five pumps it actually started to feel better, still a little painfull, but much better. "Are you okay baby?" He asked me and I nodded, "Yeah, the- the pain is going away slowly." I told him and he kept moving inside of me while kissing me, he stopped kissing me for a second. "You are so fucking tight, my dick has never experimented a fucking good pussy like this." And I don't even know why, but I felt my pussy getting tighter at his words.

"Baby I am going to cum," he told me and I nodded, "M-me too." And with that I came on his dick. It was on the condom, but this was one of the best things ever, "F-fuck." And with that Dominic came right after me. "Baby?" Dominic said and I looked at him while laying next to him, "now you can't be with anyone else anymore, you are seriously mine now. I am not accepting men looking at you." He said with a serious voice, "And are you mine?" I asked him and he nodded, "Only fucking yours."

This chapter was really long over the 1.2k words, but I wanted it to be good. I hope you guys like it! Thank you for the 47 followers! Next chapter will be at the 50 followers! Thank you so much for the 2.86k+ reads!!

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