chapter 10.

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Next chapter at 35 followers.
A new 'regular' school day, the only difference is the fact I have to ignore Dominic today, since I am afraid he will start about yesterday. Ignoring people is not really my favorite thing to do, I prefer just to be short like "oki" on all the things someone is saying. Mabye I will do that as well, it is my way to handle things, it might not be the best idea, but I prefer to let someone know I don't like what happend in like this instead of telling people my problem. I do not talk about my problems. I don't like admitting anything, I like to show them my way. I mean I can be a bitch, but not even on purpose, it is my nature, it is in my blood. My old friends were bitches as well, I can't help it.

I was wearing a dress to school today and I actually liked it. It was black with pink flowers on the top, it looked cute on me, and normally I find pretty much everything ugly on me, so this is progress. I never have never worn this before, because I was too afraid, but right now I shouldn't even care. I mean if they don't like it, they should not look at me. It is not that hard, not looking is not that hard. I hate feeling ashamed of myself, I don't like myself or my body, but I love this dress. I was not caring about it for ones, I was caring about myself for ones only me. I grab my boots and I threw them on, I don't care what they will say.

I arrived at school and Jade had to grab something out of her locker and when I was standing next to her locker I saw Dominic and a different girl, of fucking course. She was exactly looking like his type, she was short and she was skinny and she had blonde hair. I already knew this was the type he would go for, since I only saw him around with blondes and he was looking at blondes all the time. He was always making out with blondes. I heard her saying something, "Thank you, for last night I really needed that." And he just stroke her cheek and walked away. He stopped absurdly when he saw me, I think he was going to say something, but I grabbed Jade's arm and we started walking away.

"What was that about?" Jade asked me and I kept walking until I was sure we were save. "I do not really want to explain it, but I am not talking to Dominic anymore." I told her and she just nodded her head and looked at me, "Do you want to join, me and Danny are getting coffee after school." She asked me with a smile and I just nodded my head and told her I would love to join them. First of all, I love coffee, second of all I love Jade and Daniel and last but not least I love to hang out with my friends. "I totally will join you guys, but Jade, please do not talk about Dom." I told her and she told me she understood me and she wouldn't tell Daniel. Daniel is his family, I can't handle him asking about us.

School was not even over and I already saw Dominic more times, than I have seen him this entire year. I mean I normally saw him like ones a day and now, when I don't want to see him I see him every single second of the day. I saw him over ten times today and he tried to talk to me every single time. He even ran after me and I started hiding in the girls bathroom. I saw some boys eyeing me up and down when I walked past them, I did feel uncomfortable, but I kept walking.

I saw Dominic again and I stopped walking and I turned around. And thank god, I saw Daniel, "Danny!" I yelled happy and I ran up to him and hugged him, "Hello to you too love," he said and I just payed attention to the fact I love his thick British accent, Dominic has this as well, Alli stop thinking about him! "Where is Jade?" I ask him and he told me he had no idea. "Here I am, bitches!" Jade yelled when she came up to us. We made our way to Daniel's car and I saw Dominic standing next to his car.

We sat down when we arrived and I looked through the menu and I saw some milkshakes as well, I mean I love milkshakes, but coffee is my life. I chose the frappe caramel, I love caramel so much the obsession is too much. I mean chocolate and caramel are just the perfect combination.

After a few hours I saw Dominic and some of his friends were getting inside as well. Of fucking course he had to be here, of course he had to be here in this very same moment as me. It almost looked like he knew where I was and I fucking hate it, because right now I am focusing on the conversation that is going on between Jade and Daniel. I can't focus when that man is around me, I really try to focus, believe me, but this always happens. And guess what the beast noticed me and winked at me, fucker.

I tried to understand what they were talking about, but I kept hearing Dominic's laugh and gosh, his laugh is like an angel blessing my soul. I didn't know I actually had one, until now. I was not looking his way, but I already knew he was staring at me, cause I felt his eyes and the same warmth on me. Yes, I actually feel warm when he is looking at me, his eyes are like burning holes in my skin. I don't know why or what, but I have to do something about this.

I stood up and I looked at Dominic while walking my way to the bathroom. I am not actually going to use the bathroom, I have to wet my face so I can actually wake up. I splashed my face a few times and then I got out of the bathroom, closing it behind me. I letted out a little yelp when I got pushed up against the door, "Why have you been avoiding me?" He asked me with a mad look, he actually looked angry. "I didn't, but if I did, I do not have to explain myself." I tell him still being mad about what happened, I have to be short and a bitch. "Yes, you are ignoring me, baby." He said while pushing me even more against the door and blocking my way by placing his hands next to my head. "You can't ignore me now, can you?" he said while stroking his finger against my jaw and moving it to my neck. "Watch me," I tell him with the same mad look, "Na, love. You like this too much." He stroked his finger down to my boob and I felt him actually move it over my nipple, but still outside my clothes. I was swallowing a moan, because I felt it coming. I felt his finger going down to my sensitive area and I felt him stroking it from outside the dress, he knew exactly what he was doing, "Jealousy does look hot on you, love." And with that he walked away, fucking hell. This guy is going to be the death of me.

This chapter is extra long it has over 1.2k words, but it is because I was in such a good mood and I was like why not. As you may have noticed my next update will be at the 35 followers and I think you guys can actually make it happen!<3 thank you for the 790+ reads, lots of love-Hope

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