chapter 11.

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I will be honest with you, I didn't mind Dominic touching me at all, but he left me standing there, feeling like a fool. Was he just doing this to prove his point, because well done boy. You actually made me even more angrier, this boy makes me want to do so many things to him, he makes me want to punch him, yell at him and sadly fuck him. I just hate him, but he is just really attractive. I am not going to show him how attractive I find him, not fucking happening. And me, jealous? Who the fuck does he think he is, I am never jealous. I don't care what the hell he is doing, he is probably fucking someone right now, but guess what I don't need to know or care.

I was calling Danny, because we had a free day today and I was planning on spending it at Daniel's house. We were going to bake cookies and gosh, I love those. Daniel told me he was an amazing baker and I didn't believe him. He is nice and everything, but he looks like he can actually cook, but not bake. I asked Jade to join us, but she was a little busy with her homework, or she said. That is what happens if you never pay attention in class people. Me and Daniel were really up to date with our homework, because we got most of it done during class, but Jade was always texting in class, so she had to do her homework actually at home.

I called Daniel and he told me his car was to the garage again, which was the reason why he was taking Dom's car. And guess what, Dominic was not too happy about that, but he asked a friend to pick him up. Daniel told me Dominic was having three classes today, which is not a lot as well, but we got an entire day free. I heard the horn and I knew it was Daniel. When I got outside I saw Dominic's freaking gorgeous car. Damn, this is a good car. Daniel was a carefull driver, so I would have trusted him with my car, if I had one as well.

We got left the car and he grabbed his key for the door. I was just waiting behind him, because why not. Daniel opened the door and I got inside and I kicked my shoes off. Dominic and Daniel like to keep their house as clean as possible, strange right? They party here all the time, but they like to keep the house clean. I wash my hands and I grab most of the ingredients while Daniel was washing his hands was well. "So, mr. Party actually washes his hands." I ask him in a playfull way, "Yeah, wouldn't like to get shit in it." He told me with a dorky smile, I love this dumbass as my brother.

After a while we mixed all of the ingredients together and I kept mixing a little longer until it was completely smooth. "I am home," I hear someone yelling, this probably is Dominic. "Hello, love." He says while walking closer. "Hello, Dominic." I say trying to be as smooth as I can be, "You are in a better mood," he told me and I nodded. "Yes I totally am, you want to taste?" I ask with him and he was trying to put his finger in the bowl, but he didn't wash his hands, "Not happening!" I almost yell, "You are disgusting, you didn't even wash your hands. Wait here," I put some cookie dough on my finger and I wait for him to take it off with his own fingers, but instead he lifts my hand and start sucking my finger clean. He looks right into my eyes and starts moaning a little, "mm". Before I could react he was already saying something else, "I would have prefered to have something more, juicy on my fingers to clean up with my tongue, but this will work for now." He told me and with that he walked away and I was just trying to look normal, but I felt my core heating up.

Now it is my damn turn to tease him, he has done this two times now and I like to give him a taste of his own medicine. He more than deserves it, even more now. I heard Dominic speaking to someone on his phone, he sounds frustrated, perfect. "Dom, can you help me out please," I ask him and he puts his phone down, "Sure, love." He walks up to me and I 'accidently' pushed my back against his front while bending over to grab something, "Could you please grab the glasses, I couldn't reach for them." When I heard no reply I turned around and I saw him staring at my ass, I let out a laugh and he looks back at my face again, and tried to look away as smooth as he could, "Yeah, sure." He grabs the glasses and when I stood up I pushed myself against his front and I felt a budge, damn this boy is reacting fast.

"Fuck," I hear from behind me and when I turn around Dominic pushed me against the counter. "You don't even know how bad I want to fuck you in that big thick ass," I feel his hands going down to my ass and he grabs it harshly, but I don't mind it, cause my plan is working. "Well," I say and I stroke my hands over his abs down to his budge, "Well," I repeated. I start moving my hand a little over his pants and I heard him groaning, a good sign. "Fuck, keep doing that, please." And when I heard him begging I let go of him and walked over to the living room with the glasses in my hand. "What the fuck?" I heard him saying, "YKu can't just let me like that!" He yells and I just smirk, fucker got his own taste of meds.

"Danny, the cookies are done!" I yell from downstairs, but there is no reaction. Now I have to ask Dominic to get his brother, because I am not going upstairs if they didn't allow me to go upstairs. "Dominic, could you please do me a favor? Could you get your brother?" I asked him and he fucking ignored me, "Okay I will get him myself, can I go upstairs?" I asked him and he just replied with a smile "Sure".

I got upstairs and I started knocking on all the door, no fucking reply. I just opened the door and I saw Daniel jerking himself, "Danny! Fucking hell, cover yourself up!" He grabbed a pillow and covered his cock, I knew he was about to say something, but I lifted my hand. "No, don't talk. Just finish yourself, wash your hands with loads of soap and come downstairs." And with that I walked out of his room and got downstairs again.

"Let's watch a movie!" Daniel said after dinner, I mean watching a movie isn't that bad, right? I like movies and I love watching it with friends, "Sure, let's watch a movie." Dominic said with a smile with evidence, what is he up to?

Thank you guys so much for the 35 folllowers, the 50+ stars and the 850 reads, this means a lot to me<3

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