chapter 22.

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Next chapter at the 70 followers:)
Dom pov.
I am asking Alli out today, I have been on so many dates with her already, but I wanted to do something different for ones. I have been to the beach with her, to many restaurants, we have been bowling ones, but today will be really different. She is probably going to love and hate it, we are going to a Halloween themed park. With many houses, based on stories and much more. I love those, but Alli is a girl who get's afraid really quick. Her screaming is a beautiful sound especially while we are making love, but I will love this maybe even better. I mean I will probably be afraid as well, on some moments, but she is really someone who liked to get really close to me when we are doing something scary and I will be there to protect her. I love this girl and I would protect her what ever the hell it costs.

I was telling Alli to wear a sweater or one of my hoodies, she did and she didn't even had to wear pants under them, since they were almost reaching her knees. She was adorable as always and I love it, when this girl is wearing my clothes. I love this girl and I am totally wrapped around her finger and I loved it. My brother called me 'pussy whipped', but I wasn't. Well I was. Fuck that, I was. I loved her and I was planning on being with her till death tears us apart. I was not planning on letting her go that easy, ever. She was my light, my world.

We arrived at the themed park and I saw Alli's face turning scared, "No!" I couldn't help but start laughing. "It isn't that bad baby." I try to convince her, but I see it isn't helping. "I swear if I pee in my damn pants, I will smack you!" She yelled at me, "kinky." I said and I got out of the car. After she got out of the car, she grabbed my hand really tight, "Baby, I am not letting them hurt you, they can't." I promise her, which is the truth. If any of those fuckers touch her I will punch them.

Me and Alli were walking in the park and some of those people with masks and make up already scarred and she screamed everytime and she was so close to my body. I was holding her tight, because I noticed she was scared. "Baby," I say and she said 'shh' I looked at her and she was holding my shirt really tight, "baby, let's get to the first house, I got our tickets at home." I tell her and if looks could kill, I would be dust right now. "I hate yo-AAH!" she yells when a dude ran up to her, "nah you love me." I told her and she nodded, "I do, but if you fucking dare leaving me alone I will kick you in your nuts."

The first house, revenge.
We got inside the house and the chick in front of the building was telling us a little story and I noticed Alli was already freeking out, now I am actually sorry for my baby. "I am sorry baby." I told her and I gave her a kiss on her head and we were walking next to each other. There was a guy coming out of the bed and I Alli fell almost on the ground, but I catched her. "Baby, it is fake." I remind her trying to calm her down. "I fucking kno-AHH!" she yelled again when a girl came out of the corner. "Shh, it is alright." I tell her and I kiss her head again and I can't help, but laugh. "No, no, no I do not want to fucking walk next to the mirror." She whispers at me, "Baby, let me go first." I said and the girl got out of the window at my side and we continued walking.

We got out of the house and I looked at Alli and she was catching her breath, "Okay, that was alright." She said while almost being out of breath, I gave her a kiss on her lips and lifted her chin, "You actually did great baby, three more to go." I say with a smile and I see her looking at me and she says, "No sex for you for a week!" And with that she walks ahead of me and I just run after her, "Babe, don't do that to me!" I whine and she kept walking with a smile, she knew she got me to the begging point.

Thank you for the 5k+ reads! I love each single one of you so much! Thank you for the 62+ followers! I will upload when I reach the 70 followers!<3 love- hope

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