chapter 7.

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"But, you do think I am hot right? I mean obviously, you do not have to hide it, love." Dom told me and I just let out a small laugh, if he only knew. Yes, Dominic King is a freaking gorgeous and handsome man. He is not a boy anymore, yes his behaviour is boyish, but his looks are not childish at all. And his crotch screams man. He is a hot man, but guess what I will not be sharing this information with him about that, because his ego is already too big for me handle.

"Nah, you are, alright I guess." Saying the exact same words he used when we were at his house, someone told me ones, 'always use people their words against them'. I saw his eyebrows popping up and he was looking confused,

"I am alright? Nah, I am hot love. It is okay though, not everyone has good taste. Or not everyone likes speaking the truth. I do speak the truth though, you got one hell of a body, in the good way obviously." He said with a smirk and walked away, fuck that guy. Wait, no! Allison, do not even imagine that, fuck I imagined it. He would be fucking gorgeous and strong and then there is me. Do not think about it Allison, do not think about Dominic and his hot broad body and his hot tattooed skin. Who the hell do I think I am? Not thinking about a drop dead gorgeous man is impossible.

School was almost over but not yet, we got one more class. Scienes, which I am not that great at. I just sat in the classroom, reading those words and nothing, literally nothing looked understandable. I looked around the room and everyone seemed to understand it, of fucking course it is my fault. I was hoping the other students wouldn't understand it as well, it would have been easier to deal with. It would have made me feel less, dumb. I looked around ones more and I saw Dominic sitting there, just biting on his pencil. He was looking around the room, looking for god knows what or who. I looked around and he nodded his head at me, he nodded? Normally he would, I don't know, smile at least. I taught we were friends, but now I am not sure what ever the hell we are.

We took a test one week ago and we will be getting our grades back today, I am not really excited about that, because I know I suck. I already know the grade isn't going to be more than a D. I am the worst at Scienes and I am going to need help with this, but I do not liking asking for it. I saw the teacher handing Dominic his grade and she just complimented him about it. Mabye Dominic can help me with scienes? But my own question is, do I even want his help, is his help worth all the trouble? I do no think so.

Our class was finally over and I stood up and grabbed my stuff as fast as I could, so I could catch up with Dom. I was stalking Dominic now, "Dominic," I called out and I kept walking behind him. I finally catched up to him and I tapped his shoulder twice. He turned around and looked at me with a bored and maybe even mad look.

"Yeah, Alli. What can I do for you today, love?" He looked, annoyed? Why the hell would he be annoyed, I haven't even asked him for his help yet.

"Who pissed in your drink? Okay never mind, I heard you got a good grade for scienes and uhm, scienes is not my best subject, so could you help me with understanding it? I will just ask you- could you help me? With explaining it and if I make the exercises and I make mistakes, well I would appreciate it if you could explain what I was doing wrong." I asked and told him while looking everywhere exept from his face, because he will probably laugh in my face. I did not even want to get his help, but I am desperate.

"What do I get out of it?" He asked me and I just started thinking. Well, we could hang out, but seeing his annoyed expression, I guess it will not change a lot. What can he get out of this, time with me, mabye I can cook for him?

"I can cook for you? Uhm.." I was really thinking about this, but he did not get much out of this. I mean I want to give him money, but it is not like I got that much money.

"I was joking around Alli, relax. I will help you with scienes, your dorm tonight at seven okay? And, yes you should totally cook. I like your Lasanga." He said the last sense with a smirk on his face, probably remembering the night we had dinner at Dom's and Daniel's place.

So I guess I am cooking for Dominic tonight? I don't mind cooking for him, I like cooking actually and if I get a good grade in return I am actually happy about it. I need that good grade, I can not fail this time and if cooking food for Dominic means a good grade, then why the hell not.

Hi, thank you so much for the 330+ reads. This actually means a lot to me guys<3 I love you guys a lot, thank you for the support.

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