chapter 14.

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42 followers means a new chapter!!
Dominic pov.
Allison hasn't moved much in two days, I really wanted to give her all the time she needed, but I really wanted to help her as well. I don't know if giving her this much time will actually help her, I really want to listen to everything she has to say, because that way I will be knowing what she is thinking and mabye I can even help her getting through this horrible disaster. This girl will probably not let a guy in soon and I really need her to let me in, so I can support her. I am making her a hot chocolate and those kind of things, but I can't help her while I only saw what I saw. Mabye David said something, mabye he didn't. Mabye he got inside of her, mabye he didn't I couldn't tell, because I didn't know.

I got inside Danny's room, she was still sitting on his bed, on the left side of the bed, not moving. I looked at her and I saw nothing in her eyes, the spark was completely gone, I walked up to her and I grabbed her chin softly and I motioned it for her to look in my eyes and she did. "Hi," I said with a sad smile on my face locking my eyes with her, "I am sorry," she said, "Baby, why what would you have to be sorry about?" I asked her while I stroked her cheek, this was the first thing she shutted down. "I didn't speak to you, you guys are trying to help me and I am just being a horrible fucked up g-," I cutted her of by placing my hand on her mouth and shaking my head, "baby, you would never be a bitch for not talking the second something happened, it is a normal reaction." She nodded her head, "Thank you," she said and I shook my head and I gave her a kiss on her forehead, "You don't have to thank me at all, at any time. I do all the things I do, for you. I will not stop doing something for you, because you are- you are special, baby. I will get you some tea, alright love?" I asked her and she nodded with a little smile, I saw her wanting to say something, "what is wrong?" I asked her with a small fear knot in my stomache, "I wanted to say thank you, but you just told me not to." And she letted out a soft giggle, the sound I missed so much these days. "You are welcome." I tell her before I go downstairs.

I got downstairs and I saw Daniel sitting on his chair bumping his leg nervously, something is happening or about to happen. "Dan, what is wrong?" He looked up, totally looking distracted and mad, he has not been this angry since his last girlfriend cheated on him, with his best friend. "Dan, talk to me." I order him, he stands up and walks up to me, I am ready to get a punch. "I am thinking about a way to hurt the shit out David, this shithead does not deserve anything he has," he tells me and I know this look. "Daniel, listen to me brother. We will figure something out, together. The three of us, Alli deserves to be the master of this plan, but he is going to pay for this, I don't care if it is the last thing I will do or not." Daniel nods his head and his breathing is starting to get slower, he seems a little releaved.

Allison pov.
I did talk to Dominic, I did feel like I could. I didn't talk about what happened yet, but I do not even know if I am ready yet. I don't know how to talk about someone who tried or even raped me, he did stick his tip inside of me, so he raped me. I got raped and I can't even really talk about it, since I am afraid of what will come out. I am afraid of what I can't cold back. I am sure all my tears will come out, but mabye I should tell them now. I think they are downstairs together. If I don't tell it right now I will never tell them. I know myself to well. I will go downstairs, I will tell them everything from the beginning, I will share all the things I remember, I will share everything that happened. They deserve to know it, they tried to save me, they saved me. I mean Ace was there with his friend to help me and Daniel drove me here.

I get of the bed and I start walking, my feets are carring me to the stairs and when I reach the stairs I almost back away, but I will not. I will go downstairs and I will tell them everything. I walk on the stairs and I see Daniel and Daniel saw me as well. "Allison," he says and he runs up to me, probably not sure if he can hug me so I nod and he does that, he hugs me and gave me a kiss on my hair. "I think I want to sit down. I am going to share what happened that night and you guys will sit down and let me share everything I want to share, until I finish. After that you can give your opinion." They both nod and I sit down as well, but on a different couch.

After I told them everything, from the start to the end they were quiet. Sitting there on their couch and they were not saying anything. Daniel stood up and he walked over to me, he kneeled down and sat in front of me. My hands between his face, "Alli, we are here for you," and with that he got upstairs. Dominic stood up and lifted me up and sat me on his lap. "You are really brave, Allison, I will be here for you. I will make him regret even thinking about touching you, I will make him regret for touching you. He is going to pay, I will make sure of that Allison. But right now I just want to take you upstairs and hug you until you fall asleep, is that alright?" I nodded my head and he lifted me and we got upstairs and I fell asleep really quick after he placed me on his bed.

Thanks to all of you for the 40 followers and for the 1.7k+ reads. This actually means a lot to me<3
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