chapter 3.

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There was a huge party tonight, which meant Jade and I were going to be there. I heard people talking about the hockey team, the team would be there as well, fun. The parties were more fun, with more people. The hockey team would be there, which meant the entire school would be there as well, which meant some crazy shit was going down. Everyone, I get it, they are cool, they are hot, but their personality sucks. The people in our school are like herd with sheep, the hockey team goes somewhere, they follow. It is sad, because everyone should follow their own path, but that is my view on life. They are just as important as other people, so why follow them, right? They count as much as the rest of the world.
Jade and I were already preparing for the party, because better now than never. I decide to wear to wear a glitter top, with blue ripped shorts on it. I take a picture of my outfit, so I could post the outfit on my snapchat story. A week ago I accepted Dominic on Instagram, and he started following me on Snapchat as well. I wasn't a bitch, I did add him back. After a few minutes I saw a snapchat notification, and when I opened it said 'you look hot'. I try to just be nice and send a 'thank you' instead of a 'I know' or something like that.

"Let's get inside Alli!" Me and Jade got inside the house and I didn't know the house at all, but I know it is the house of a football player. I saw some none family pictures just one picture with a dog and Dominic. Dominic has a dog? It is a cute dog actually, "hello love" I turn around and I see Dominic,

"Hi." I say to him. Trying to sound as normal as I can.

"Didn't you know it was Oliver's birthday party?" I nodded my head, Jade bought him a present just a lot of alcohol. I did want to pay along with her but I didn't had much money left and she told me I didn't have to. I could just write the cart.

"There is coming a suprise for him, you know. It is a-" he got interrupted by a woman getting inside the room in a firefighter outfit.

"Who is the birthday boy?" And everyone started pointing at Oliver. And Oliver made his way to a chair and sat on it. Everyone started yelling 'ooooohs' and stuff like that. She started dancing on his body. I saw Dominic still standing behind me and she started grinding on Oliver and Oliver seems like he is enjoying it, like he is having the time of his life. He probably is having a good time, I hope he is, because it would be useless if he was not enjoying her show.

"I am better than that stripper," I tell Dom in his ear and I looked at him. He was biting his lip.

"Don't tease me, Allison." Dominic told me, I think he is actually sounding annoyed, mabye desprate. I was not actually teasing him, I was hoping serious about this.

I look in his eyes and ask him, "Who said something about teasing, Dominic?" He looked into my eyes and I gave him a little kiss on his cheek and I walk away.

An hour later I drank a lot of alcohol, but it felt good actually. I saw Dominic standing against the bar just looking intensely at me, I walked up to him and I asked him the following question, which sounded more like a demand.

"Dance with me," I tell him and I saw him hesitating, so I should press him a little, "please?" He agreed with me and he took his hand in mine. We started dancing with each other and I started grinding against his body, just a little. I felt him pushing me away a little further and I turned around and continued dancing while placing my arms around his neck. I looked up and I looked into his eyes, damn those beautiful green-grey eyes are absolutely gorgeous. I love those eyes and they looks absolutely gorgeous. He did the same, he was staring into my eyes and he licked his bottom lip.

"Can I kiss you?" Dominic whispered in my ear while biting it softly and I saw those soft beautiful big eyes. I nodded my head and kissed him first. I felt his hands go to my butt and he squeezed is softly, but as reaction I opened my mouth so his tongue could meet mine. After a few minutes I stopped the kiss with a reason, I can't catch feelings for someone who is into randomly fucking everyone. I looked into his eyes and stroked his cheek before slowly walking away.

I wasn't a girl who kissed people randomly, but that is exactly what did happen with Dominic. But it felt really good but mabye I shouldn't do this anymore. I mean yes I kiss boys and yes I don't think much about it, but I really enjoyed kissing Dominic. I felt a kind of spark mabye? And I couldn't let him have his victory. I was dancing and I fell someone behind me, I felt his hands travelling to my hips.

"Hello, hotstuff." Let me tell you this, I drank a lot, but I really didn't remember this voice, I kept listening.

"Moving your hot body like this," he continued, "like the little slut you always have been." And I remembered it, it was him.

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