chapter 15.

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I woke up in someone's arms, Dominic. He was holding me very close to him and I think he could not get any closer. His hand was around my hips and he was spooning me. I moved my shoulders a little bit, because I was trying to turn around to look at his sleepy face. I almost could not turn around, since big foot was holding me, but I succeed after a minute. I was looking at his sleepy face and he had no stress on his face, just calmness. I love this calm expression as well, it makes me smile at moments it should not even make me. I should not be smiling right now, because of the reason we are laying like this, but I love this. I can't help it, I love laying this close to Dominic, I love hugging Dominic, I just love being with this boy. I love feeling save, I am save in his arms.

As kid I used to ask my grandma always, 'Granny, how do you know what is love?' And my Grandma always used to tell me, 'Sweetheart, you don't. You feel what love means, if you feel save in someones arms, if you wake up next to someone and you feel save, warm and loved.' I felt this way, I didn't know about the loved part, but I felt like I might love this guy. I am not going to tell him yet, I will probably just embarrass myself again. I don't like embarrassing myself, not anymore.

"Goodmorning love," his sleepy voice is such a turn on, I love this morning voice. "Hi," I said to him and he smiled and gave me a little kiss on my forehead. I started moving his hair out of his face, "I like your hair without all the wax," I told him and he grabbed my hand softly and moved it to his cheek, "I like you stroking my hair and cheeks," he told me and I started stroking his cheek. He was leaning into my touch again and I couldn't help but smile a little. He was coming closer to my face and he wanted to kiss me, but I stopped him, "Do you not want me to kiss you?" He asks me and I shake my head, "I want to kiss you, but I haven't brushed my teeths yet-" he cuts me off my kissing me, "I could not care less, love." He started kissing me again and he lifted me so I was laying on his body. I was covering up my body as much as I could, when I was on top of her.

"Don't cover up for me, baby." He told me, with a sad look on his face. "Just- I don't know." I tell him with a sad smile on my face, "Love, be honest with me, please?" He asked me and I nodded my head, "I don't like my body," I tell him and I see him looking confused at me.

"Why don't you like your body, beautiful?" Dominic asks with those huge beautiful sad eyes.

"All the girls here are skinny, they got a beautiful body and nice hips and then there is me." I tell him.

"Beautiful, your body is one hell of a good looking body. You got nice body and your ass, man your ass is fucking hot. And your hips, fuck don't get me started on your hips, because you are one of the not many girls that actually has something to squeeze and I love it. Don't ever think you aren't beautiful, okay? Because you are gorgeous." Dominic tells me a small smile on his face.

I look at him and I start kissing him again, but this time it more a make-out session. I grab his face between my hands and I get up a little so I sit in a better position on top of him, "You like being on top, love?" He asked me with a teasing smirk on his face and I can't help but laugh and I start giggling when he tries to look offended, "You really are something, big guy." He looks at me and I see his eyes turning a little darker, "Yeah, I am big. Big feet, big hand, huge cock." He said and I couldn't help but laugh and I layed my head against his collarbone, "I can't tell," I say and this was the moment I grabbed his cock softly through his pants and I heard him, I heard his breathing changing.

(Lil smut)
I start moving my hand over his pants really slow, "Fuck," I smile at him, knowing I have this power over him, "keep going that and I might cum in my pants." He says with an open mouth and he is breathing really heavy, "challenge accepted," I tell him and I start moving a little quicker and I he grabs my hair softly and pushes me against his chest, and starts kissing me again. "Fuck baby, I am almost th-there." And that is when he cums in his pants. He let out a lazy laugh and he faces me, "gotta change now." And with that he got out of our, I mean his bed.

"Love," he told me and I looked at his lazy smile on his face, "I want to return the favor." He told me and I wasn't sure, I mean I would love to. But am I actually ready? I was ready, until the guy tried to rape me. Someone tried to rape me, my mood changed in a second. "Hey, what is wrong babe?" Dominic asked me while walking up to me, "Did I say anything wrong?" I shook my head no, "No, I just, I don't know if I can have sex yet." He looked at me and he gave me a forehead kiss, "I understand baby, don't worry about it, we will when you are one hunderd precent sure." He told me and I nodded.

Thank you so much for the 2.4k+ reads! This means the world to me! Also thank you for the 42 followers! Next chapter at the 44 followers! I will give my new book name away when I hit the 50 followers on
@ hopesauthor on Instagram!

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