chapter 25.

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Last night was different, we just slept next to each other and the only thing we did waa cuddling. I wasn't in the mood for sex and Dominic wasn't in the mood as well. We just hugged the entire night, I had an mental breakdown, I started crying, because yesterday I felt like I might have lost Dom. Dominic told me I should not be worried about losing him, because he couldn't live without me anymore. I can't live without Dominic as well. He is my everything, he is the person I think about when I take up, he is the person I think about when I go to sleep. He is always there with me and yesterday after he left, I felt like a part of my heart left me as well. Dominic is my light and he is my darkness as well, I love him and I was glad he was there when I had the breakdown, because I don't know if I could have handle the situation on my own. This man makes me smile, he makes me laugh and he makes me feel the best feeling I can possibly imagine.

I woke up and Allison wasn't there, where the hell is she? "Alli?" No reaction, I called again and still not reaction. I got out of our bed in a rush and I ran down, but I stopped when I saw her baking food. She was dancing to the music and she was looking relieved and happy, I love this woman, my woman soon. I walked up to her as quiet as possible and I gave her a little slap on her ass, and she yelped in reaction. "O my jezus, don't do that again, ever." She told me with a shocked look, but then she started laughing a little, "dickhead." She whispered and I pressed my front against her back, "dick indeed, you want to feel the head?" I asked her and she started giggling a little, cutie. "Maybe I want to after breakfast, now get back to your-" I stopped her with a little kiss, "our" I told her and she smiled at me, "our bed and lay there." I tell her and nodded my head and gave her a little kiss.

I got inside our room and I pulled my sweatpants on, because they are more comfortable than my jeans. I was looking at my phone for a second and my brother texted me, saying he and Jade went to the park, good. I was looking at the door when I heard it cracking open, Alli was wearing her cute pink pyjama shorts and my shirt and I loved them together. She sat down on our bed and she placed our breakfast on the bed and she started making my food, she grabbed a croissant and the strawberries and she started making my food and I was looking at her. She was gorgeous and I can't imagine a world without her anymore, she is my girlfriend, but I want to marry her and I am twenty one years old and she is nineteen now, we can get married soon. I want to marry her soon.

"I love you babe," I tell her and she just looks at the food and smiles in a sweet innocent way. She is not innocent at all, but her smile is the best thing ever. She was my brightest star and I loved her so fucking much. "I love you Dominic," she told me and I grabbed a strawberry and I placed it on her lips. "Eat," I say in a soft voice, "you look gorgeous." I tell her and she was smiling again. Her smile is the best thing, I can't imagine a life without my gorgeous girl. I need to keep it simple, I don't thing she likes me making a big deal out of this. "Baby," she nods her head and I look at her, "marry me." I tell her and she looks up and I see her eyes glowing even more, "Are you serious? You want to marry me?" She asks me and I grab her chin softly, "Baby, marrying you will be the best thing happening to me. It is everything I need. I know we are young and we will have some fights, but we will survive all of them, we are strong enough. I just love you so fucking much and I want you forever." I tell her and she nods her head, "Yes. Yes I want to fucking marry you, omg yes."

Thank you so much for the 80+ followers! And thank you so much for the 10k reads!! When I saw this, I couldn't help it, I started crying because of how grateful I am. Thank you.

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