chapter 24.

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New chapter at the 80 followers.
Lets just say, the last weeks have been chaotic and I have been a mess. Me and Dom had some arguments and he walked away, I am not sure where he is or what he is trying, but I can't handle him walking away. I can't handle not knowing where I can find him, how I can find him. We got in a fight about Halloween. When we were celebrating Halloween Dominic wouldn't stop drinking and I was pissed. He told me he was going to be more careful, but he lied. He was running around the house like a ten year old and he kept drinking when I asked him to stop and take it easy. Today he woke up with an headache of course. And he walked to me and he smelled like alcohol, so I asked him to keep distance, because damn, I was still pissed. I saw him looking at me like I was crazy, he asked me something and he looked in my eyes, "Sup?" And that got me even more pissed of, "Sup? Are you fucking serious?" I asked him and he just looked at me confused, "What is wrong love?" He asked me and I just walked passed him. "Who pissed in your coffee?" He asked me and I turned around looking at him, "Fucking you, Dominic! You were fucking out of your damn mind on Halloween and the damn day after as well!" I yell at him."What the fuck? That was days ago!" He yelled back and I looked at him again, "You have been drinking these last five days like an crazy asshole, you think it will make you feel good, but you look like a fucking alcoholic!" I yell at him, but he walks up to me and kept walking until I was flat against the wall. "Don't you ever dare, call me an alcoholic again. Don't you dare." And with that he walked away. And then I remembered, his mother used to be a alcoholic.

It has been five hours, he has been gone for five hours, without Dominic showing up. I couldn't help, but stress out like a freak. I was walking around the house and I was walking outside, looking around every where, "Dominic where are you?" I whispered, while walking around the city looking for him. I couldn't help, I was sobbing the entire way, I kept sobbing. I was looking around me, looking for anything, there had to be a sign that he was close. I went to some bars, but I couldn't find him, anywhere. I was walking in bars and I got many comments, which made me even more uncomfortable. I kept texting him and there were no responses. I kept thinking the worst, because I didn't know what else to think anymore.

"Baby, please call me back. I have been walking around the city for two hours now and I miss you and I am scared, Dominic. I am fucking scared, it is dark outside and I just want to hug you, I just want to talk about it and about how sorry I am." I wait a second, "Dom, please call me back, I love you." And I hang up, I really need to hold him, I really need Dominic. I was looking everywhere and I still couldn't find my man. I was walking my way back to our apartment when I walked in an alley. I saw two guys and I just kept walking, because I wasn't sure turning around was the best thing to do. "Hello there, why are you here all alone?" One of the boys asked me and I just looked at him, "Hey hot stuff, we are talking to you." The other one said and I just looked at him, "Home," I said and I kept walking. "We can take you to my home, we can do some fun stuff." The taller guy said and I kept walking, "Don't you ignore us." I started running when one of them tried to catch me, but he succeed. He pushed me against the wall and they both were standing around me, until I heard someone yelling, "Get the fuck away from her!" Daniel, "Or we will break every single bone in your body." Dominic.

Dominic grabbed one of the guys by his shirt and got him away from me, "I said get away from her." And the other one backed away a little, because Daniel was getting closer to him. "Dude, get away. I will cut your balls off." Daniel said and he ran away after Daniel had hit him against his jaw. "Are you okay?" Daniel asked me and I nod my head, "Yes, of course." I see Dominic looking in my eye corner. "I will wait in the car," Daniel told Dominic and he nods his head, after Daniel leaves Dominic walks up to me. In a slow tempo, "Baby," he whispers and I just look at the ground, "baby, please look at me." He asks and I kept focused on the ground, he lifts my chin and he looks right in my eyes. "Baby, I was upset, I- I love you. I would never let anything happen to you, you know that right." I nod my head, he wouldn't let anything happen to me.

We were in the car and I sat on Dominic's lap. And he was holding me very tight, he didn't smell like alcohol. "I didn't want to disappoint you baby, I never want to disapoint you. I do love you a lot baby." I nod my head and I see his face, "can you just hug me?" I ask him and he nods his head and we started hugging, he was holding me really tight. I love this boy, even though I was mad at him before, he is my everything and my savior.

Hi guys, thank you for the 9k+ reads, which means so much to me! Thank you for the 75 followers, our next goal is 80 followers. I think I will be updating 5 more chapters, but I am not sure yet. Maybe there will be four maybe there will be six, we will see. Thank you again.

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