chapter 19.

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We just ate dinner and I went upstairs, while Danny and Dominic were cleaning up the dishes. I got inside Dominic's room and I searched through the bags I bought yesterday. I searched for the pink lingerie and I put it on as fast as I could, before throwing one of Dominic's shirts on. I got out of his room and I went downstairs again. Dominic's shirt covered my butt and just a little part of my thighs which was good enough for me. I got of the stairs and I sat on the couch after I walked in the living room. "Babe?" Dominic called out from the kitchen, "Yeah?" I asked him and he got to the living room as well, "No pants? You know my brother is here as well?" He said in a jealous tone, "I know, Daniel has seen me already in my underwear." I tell Dominic and his head is turning more red by the second. "He what?" He said in an angry voice, "Dominic, Daniel Jade and I, we had sleep overs, you knew that already. Don't be jealous, babe." I tell him while giving his cheek a soft stroke. "I am not jealous."

We were watching a movie when I felt Dominic's hand sliding between my thighs, I looked at him and shook my head and pointed my head to Daniel. "He is a sleep, baby." He said and he shoved his hand inside my short, "baby, let me." He shoved my panties to the side and he was stroking my clit with his finger and he was putting one finger inside of me, "Fu-fuck," he smirked at me and I was looking over at Daniel and he was still asleep. "We can also take this to my bedroom." He told me and I nodded, I don't want to cum in front of his brother. "Ye-s," I stuttered. Dominic removed his fingers and removed me from the couch. He lifted me, so my body was against his chest and my feetwere around his back, tangled together.

"I don't know how long I can be nice love, I want to fuck you, until you can't walk anymore." I laughed at his words and he threw me on his bed. He removed his shirt and he unbuckled his belt, "I don't mind that." I said and when I said those words a smirk appeared on his handsome face, "I will try to be sweet, at first." I let out a giggle and he removed my jacket, right before removing my shirt. "Fuck, this- is this new?" He asked me and I nodded, "Yeah, you did not pay for everything, I paid this myself." He was just staring, before kissing my cleavage, "I love this," he told me before he started kissing my lips again, "so fucking gorgeous." He started removing his jeans, before he took off my jeans. I was laying on his bed, in only my panties and bra, "Mmh," he said while kissing my stomache, "beautiful." He removed his pants as well and his boxers were gone as well. He kissed the top of my panties and he removed them slowly as well.

He wanted to eat me out, but I lifted his head, "I want you to fuck me." I demanded. He grabbed a condom and he putted it on, "Let me fuck you, sweet first." Slowly he entered me and I couldn't help, but let out a moan. "So fucking gorgeous," he told me and I grabbed his back and I pushed my nails in his back, "O my g-god." I said when he started quickening his tempo. "You like that, right? When I fuck your tight little pussy with my thick cock." And I let out a moan again, "Fuck, Dom," I breathed out and he speeded up even quicker, I thought he already reached his limit. The joke was on me. "I am going to cum," I tell Dominic and he nods while going inside even deeper, but slower. "Cum for me baby." And with that I came all over his cock, "Oh shit," I breathed out, this was the best sex we have had. A few minutes and deep thrusts later Dominic came as well.

Dominic and I were laying face to face, staring at each other, "Goodnight baby," he said after he gave me a kiss on my forehead, "I love you big guy." I tell him and I move his hair out of his face, "I love you too baby." I want my life to be like this, sleeping together with Dominic, but maybe I scare him away, if I tell him.

Thank you guys, for the 3.41k reads, this means a lot to me and I love each one of you. Thank you for voting on my story and thank you for commenting.<3

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