chapter 12.

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Trigger warning! .
We were watching an action movie, I love those movies a lot, even though some of them can be boring. "I wanna party," Dominic said when the movie was finished, I mean I am tired but never tired enough to not go out with friends. "I am in if you are," I told Daniel with a smile, "Yeah, sure why the hell not." He said and I got upstairs, to grab my purse. "But I have nothing to wear, can we stop at my dorm?" I asked the boys and Daniel told me it would be fine. I was planning on wearing a pink crop top with black jeans and white stripes. I sat on the couch waiting for the boys to get ready, "Are you guys done yet, shouldn't the girl be taking more time preparing?" I yelled and I heard them yell something back like, "Shut up?" and "my hear just takes longer." And I couldn't help, but laugh.

After half an hour they were done, I was going to take less longer than these dumbasses, "I am going to be faster than you guys, so don't worry about that." I said when we were sitting in the car and I heard Dominic laugh, "Daniel takes long for everything, his hair is his baby right Dan?" He asked and Daniel just lifted his middle finger. "Shithead," he told Dominic and Dom let out an another laugh. Daniel gave Dominic a slap on his arm and Dominic didn't even move or something like that. He didn't even blink, is this dude made out of steal or something like that?

After a while we got to the party and I was not really into the party anymore, but I will be after a few minutes and a few drinks. We got inside this huge house, the owner was a girl called Brooke or something like that. Everyone was looking our way and I just guessed they were impressed by either Dominic or Daniel, because both of them are good looking. I mean we can't hide the truth can we? But after a few minutes girls started looking disgusted at us. "Yo, slut, you fucking both of them?" A boy asked me and I just looked at him with a raised eyebrow and I was more shooked by the fact people call each other sluts. "Excuse me, what did you say?" I asked him and I was pretty sure this was not going to be too pretty. "I asked if you fuck both of them," he told me trying to be cool, "I am not fucking anyone, not that it is your damn business, but guess what, what if I actually was, why the hell would that interests you, huh?" I asked him with a smile. "Well, I would ask you if you would fuck me as well? I could go down on you, I could fuck you in the ass, I could fuck you in many different positions and I could fuck you in many places." And this made me snap, I kicked him right in his balls, hard. "I could slap or kick you in many ways, you know why my hand flat, with my fist, in your balls and much more ways." I tell him and before I walk away I hear him yelling, "Bitch!"

I was dancing on my own in a huge group, I was moving my hips and my ass. I don't even care if I am dancing alone or not, I just love dancing. I was dancing and jumping around a little and I looked to my left and I saw Dominic making out with a girl, fucker. I got to the drinking table and I got myself a cherry vodka. After five drinks I got my ass over to the middle of the room again, with a new drink and I started dancing around, like there is no tomorrow. After a few minutes I feel someone behind me and I just keep dancing around. "Hello there beautiful," he tells me in my ear and I almost saw his face when he turned around, "What is your name?" He asked me and I just told my name, "Allison, what about you?" He started biting my neck a little and I didn't care much, since I was drunk, "Dave." He told me and I felt a smirk on my neck.

After dancing a while with Dave he grabbed my hand and leaded me somewhere esle, but I couldn't see where I was heading to, I almost stumbled on some cups on the floor, "damn" I said and I kept walking, cause he kept walking. He opened a door and he pushed me inside, "What are we doing?" I asked him and he started kissing my neck and layed me on the bed, I felt like I couldn't move. The boy gave me a pill, but it was for my headache. "Dave, why can't I move?" I asked him and I just heard a small laugh, "Because you are drunk beautiful," he looked at me, but Dave was a blur, "Dave, I can't move my body. Being drunk is not making me feel like this, Dave what is wrong?" I kept asking him. "Let me help you with moving," he told me and I felt my pants getting off and my shirt, afterwards I felt my panties getting ripped off as well, "Dave, no." I cried out, but I couldn't push him away, he slapped me on my face, "Quiet, slut!" He yelled back and this was the guy I kicked in the nuts. "I am gonna fuck you and I am not going to stop untill I cum at least two times, you are going to have so much fun slut." He told in a disgusting voice and I started crying even more, "Don't please, I am a virgin! Leave me alone!" He interrupted me laughing, "So you will be really tight, good to know." He pushed a finger inside of me and I cried even louder. This can't be happening.

"I am so gonna make you enjoy this even though you can't really move." He told me and I felt his tip slipping against my clit and that is the moment the door opened in a rush, Dominic.

HI, thank you bubs for the 37 followers & for the 1.19k reads I love you guys so much! 1003 words

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