chapter 4.

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I was dancing and I felt someone behind me, I felt his hands traveling to my hips. And his crotch was close to my butt, but I didn't care. I just want to have fun and dance.

“Hello, hot stuff.” Let me tell you this, I drank a lot, but I really didn't remember this voice, I kept listening.

“Moving your hot body like this,” he continued, “like the little slut you always have been.” And I remembered the voice, It was him.

It was him, my ex abusive boyfriend James. I turned around, and he is standing right here, in front of me, looking at me with that same disgusted look he used to have on his face. Some things never change, this was one of those things. The same disgusting smirk he always used to have on his face, before messing me up, he used to fuck me, until I couldn't walk anymore. I could never forget those sick, disgusting moments. They ruined me, they ruined every single beautiful memory I carried with me. I couldn't enjoy the sex, but he did. He was more than enjoying it, he loved hurting me. He used to hurt me, by slapping me. The slapping wasn't some kink, or for playtime, he didn't stop when I asked him to. He kept slapping me, until I started crying. He would call me a little ungrateful bitch, but really how could I be grateful when someone was hurting me like that? How can you be grateful, when someone calls you whore, slut or worse.

Panick shots through my head, because I wasn't free anymore. He was free, and I was locked up in a cage, but it should have been the other way. I couldn't be free, when I knew he was here somewhere as well. He broke me, and I was trying to fix myself, but I can't be okay. Not with James around me, not with the devil around me. The memories, the pain, the suffering.

“Why are you here?” I whisper out, trying to keep breathing, try to keep it steady, you can do that. I know I can do this, I can be strong enough. I am stronger than him, I always have been.

“I am here to have fun princess. Don't you think I deserve some fun after being in prison for two years?” He asks me with that old smirk on his face. I look at him, and I try to search for someone, or something. Where is Dominic? I don't have his number, but I have to get out of here. I need to get away from James. I can't act strong around James, not anymore. 

“I- I want to go,” I try to walk away, but he pulls me in his hard chest. And he starts shaking his head.

“I don't think you have to go anywhere, except from being here with me. I think I deserve a reward, for being in prison. For being locked up for a long time, for no reason.” He says with a furious look in his eyes, I hate that look. For nothing? How about for abusing someone, using your girlfriend, how about forcing your girlfriend into having sex with you, just for your pleasure. That look on his face, the one he was wearing right now, that was the one he used to have before beating the shit out of me. And there is no one to stop him, no one can help me.

“Get the fuck away from her, before I beat the fuck out of you!” I hear from behind me, and when I turn around I see Jade walking up to us.

“I was already missing your little bitch, Princess,” He continues “Jade, nice to see you as well. I will search for a whore who will suck my dick, but Allison, this party is not over. And you know it, Princess. I get what I want, always.” And with that he starts walking away.

I don't know how, but I am in the bathroom right now. I feel tears burning in my eyes, and I find myself crying, and I can't help myself. James was back, he will find me, and he will hurt me. He never cared about me, and he took away the one thing that was actually mine, my virginity. I don't even know how I can ever have sex again, after him. He used to call it 'making love', but he just tried to fuck the living shit out of me. He kept going, until I couldn't move anymore, and when this took too long he started hitting me, until my entire body felt lifeless. James was never gentle with me, not even the first time. He told me he didn't know I was a virgin, but I told him, three times in a row. I told him 'James, I had never sex before', but he kept going. I always told him everything, even the things I was afraid of, except him. I never told him he was scaring me, even when he did.

I look in the mirror one more time, before I exit the bathroom. I start searching for someone I know. Dominic seems busy, and I don't want to ask him too many favors.

“Hi, I am a friend of Dominic. He is sort of busy, could you bring me to my dorm or help me to find someone who can?” I say with a sweet voice, my eyes still wet and bloody red.

“Yeah, I will bring you home. Wait a second, I will get my jacket.” He says with a warm smile, normally I never trust strangers, but this one seems nice. He seems like someone I can trust.

“Here you go.” The guy says, when we get outside. He hands me his jacket, and I put it on. I said a small 'thank you' and we speed up, when it starts raining.

“Are you close with Dominic?” I ask him, while we were sitting in the car. I gave him my address, and he is taking me home. I could really use some sleep, especially after today.

“Yes, Dom and I are close.” He tells me, and I just sit in the passenger's seat. I don't want to be rude and interrupt him, so I just nod my head.

“Thank you a lot for bringing me home, um-” He hasn't told me his name. I should have asked for it, but I forgot it.

“Daniel.” He tells me with a small smile, I exit his car, and he waits in the parking lot, until I am inside the dorm building. I turn around and I wave one more time before closing the door behind me. He waves back, and he drives away. I am grateful for someone like Daniel driving me home, and he was actually really nice. Maybe he can be my friend, maybe I will never see him again, we shall see what will happen.

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