chapter 9.

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"Look it is not that hard, love." He told me and I just looked confused. I mean for him it is easy, but I am terrible in Scienes. "It is not that easy, Dominic." I told him feel annoyed, I get it, some people might understand this, but it can be hard for some people, but he makes me feel dumb. And I am not liking it at all. I have tried it, believe me I try focus. But focusing is not my strongest factor.

"Look Alli, it is not that hard and I get you hate it, but I am trying to explain it in three different ways. So we only got one way left, we will take a little break, okay?" He asked me and I nodded my head. I could use a break, but a break means starting over when we start again.

Ten minutes later we are starting again and this time Dominic actually made me understand it. I got it, final- fucking-ly! It was not that hard, I mean, yes we worked on the same subject for over an hour, but I did get it now. "Well, I should get home now." Dominic told me, but I didn't want him to leave, yet. "I am going to watch a movie, if you want to stay you are more than welcome, since you actually knew how to help me." I told him with a small smile. "I think I will stay a little longer, because you seem to love having me around." He told me with a dorky smile, fucker.

I sat down on my bed and I turned my laptop on. Dominic sat down next to me and I got him some popcorn, while I was not eating anything. I mean I am already having enough curves, I don't need more. When I started the movie I set the laptop between me and Dominic.

I clicked on 'play' and the movie started to play. I actually love horror movies, but this movie scared the shit out of me, I was jumping the entire time. Dominic was just laughing at my reactions, "You can't just laugh at me like that, shithead!" I yell at him and I playfully slap him as well. "Did you just slap me, do you want me to punish you?" He asked me in serious tone, he wasn't mad was he? Did I make him mad? He paused the movie and he placed the laptop on the table not far from the bed. He got on top of me and started tickling me, I couldn't help myself from screaming and laughing. "Tell me I am a sex god!" He yelled at me with a playfull voice, "Never!" I yelled back and he didn't stop tickling me. "Let me go!" I yelled back while laughing and I started, trying pushing him away. He grabbed my hands in one hand and placed them above my head, "Na-ah, not happening, baby." I started moving my feet so I could kick him but he sat down on them, to stop them.

"You got two options right now, love. You either stop moving your feets, because I am about to have an erection, or you take care of it after you got me there." I started thinking, which was a weird for me, because I never have been like that with someone. "You are considering it, aren't you?" He asked me in a serious tone, I mean I guess I might be. "I might considered, yeah."

His eyes were darker than they were a second ago, "but, I prefer to kiss you first," and before I could reply his lips were already on mine. He started placing his hands on my hip and neck and he didn't stop kissing me. Instead he started lifting my tee shirt a little, but I stopped him right there.

"What is wrong, love." He asked me,  looking confused, "did I- what did I- was I too fast?" He asked me and I shook my head no, I would love him to touch me, but I do not want him to look at my body, "uhm no, I just, I don't show my body that often to people." He looked at me confused, "what do you mean?" He asked me, with a soft voice

"I just, I don't really like my body the way it is. It used to be different, better." I told him and he started shaking his head.

"Why don't you like your body, beautiful?" Dominic asks with those huge beautiful sad eyes. Those eyes will make me fall, fast.

"All the girls here are skinny, they got a beautiful body and nice hips and then there is me." I tell him feeling sad. It is the truth, all those skinny girls seem to have the perfect figure and I just feel like an outsider.

"Beautiful, your body is one hell of a good looking body. You got nice body and your ass, man your ass is fucking perfect. And your hips, fuck don't get me started on your hips, because you are one of the not many girls that actually has something to squeeze and I love it. Don't ever think you aren't enough, okay? Because you are amazing, you are gorgeous." Dominic told me a small smile on his face.

"Don't doubt that okay?" He asked me and I nodded and let his hands slide under my tee shirt. He squeezed my hip and he continued kissing me, this actually felt right, it felt really good. I am not comfortable with my body since James told me I was ugly, he used to tell me I was too fat, too ugly, just too much. Dominic was kissing me and it felt right, how is that even possible when we have zero things in comment. He is a handsome man, and I am a nothing.

After a few minutes he stopped kissing me, because his phone went off, "I have to get this." He told me with a serious face, mabye it is his brother. "I have to go, I am sorry for leaving, but I have to go." And with that he left me, I was laying there. I didn't know what else to do, I was just looking confused, staring at the ceiling thinking about what just happened.

I need to ignore him from now on, I can't have someone like that in my life, someone who will leave me everytime he get's a call from someone more important than me. I can't let someone in, and leave me the second I am not important enough anymore. I am done with being the last choice.

My next goal will be 33 followers since I love the number 3 a lot. Thank you for the 30 followers and the 580+ reads i love you guys a lot!<3


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