chapter 13.

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"I am so gonna make you enjoy this even though you can't move." He told me and I felt his tip against my clit and that is the moment the door opened in a rush, Dominic.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing Dave?" Dominic yelled and he pulled Dave away from me and punched him with in his face, "you think you can touch woman like that?" He punched him again and he got on top of Dave and started punching him over and over again, one of Dominic's friends named Sam got inside and got Dominic of his body and told him to get over there to help me, the boy started punching Dave a few more times, before pushing him out of the room. "Baby, are you okay?" He asked me and I couldn't react anymore, I felt nothing, I was nothing. I felt like no one, disgusted by myself, I was disgusting.

Dominic pov.
This disgusting boy is going to pay for treating her, this gorgeous girl like trash, like a bag with garbage. He tried to rape her, he mabye even did I can't tell, because she can't tell. I would believe her over him immediatly, she wouldn't lie about it, but I am afraid she might not want to share what happend. She might be too afraid to share, but I will wait for her, I will wait until she is ready to tell me. I will not put any preasure on her. I would never put preasure on her, if it is about something like this. I lifted her up and I grabbed a blanket, I told Sam to tell everyone to leave. I moved her outside the house right into my car, I told Daniel to grab an another blanket, I don't want het to get could.

Daniel was driving my car and I was sitting in the back with Allison on my lap, body heath works. I was hugging her a little and I gave her a kiss on her forehead. I asked Daniel to bring her to our apartment. "Yeah, I will lay her in your bed Daniel, because she remembers your room." He told me that would be fine and I lifted her, when we got to our apartment. Daniel opened the door and I moved inside with her and I layed her on Danny's bed. I told Daniel to make her some tea, if she wakes up and to grab a blanket. I grabbed a tee shirt from my room and I placed it on her, I didn't even dare to look at her curves, but I saw one thing and I couldn't help, but ask myself what happend. She had bruises and some scars close to her breasts, I was not even looking at her breasts at the moment, I was looking at those scars. They looked painfull and some looked recent, mabye a few months ago. I will ask her on a moment about those, if she is ready to tell me, she will, if not she will not.

Allison pov.
I woke up tired, dizzy and light-headed. I looked around and I opened my eyes a little more and I saw Dominic, "hi," I said. I was actually not feeling good at all, I felt sick and disgusting, not sure why. "Hello, love," he stroked my cheek, "do you remember anything from last night?" He asked me with a angry and sad look, "Not much, I remember dancing around, but that is about it." He looked at his hands and grabbed my hand, "Do you remember a guy named Dave?" I nodded, "yes, I believe I danced with him." I told him and he nodded, "Love, I am so sorry for what I am about to tell you. The Dave guy, he took you to a room and he, fuck, he tried to rape you." I blurred out the last part, "he what?" I said feeling really cold. Dominic tried to explain, but I couldn't concentrate on anything else than the fact I felt cold and disgusting.

"Love, did you hear anything I told you?" He asked me and I shook my head, "No no no, I am so sorry," I started crying, because I was a disgusting piece of shit. "Love, don't worry. Baby," he was stroking my hair and I was laying against his chest. I couldn't stop crying, I never felt this cold in my entire life, I felt useless, I felt disgusting and used. I could only think about one thing, the cold feeling. Nothing else, I would never be the same girl again. Because I am broken now, more broken than ever before.

Daniel pov.
I have to call Jade, I have to be here for Allison, but I can't. I can't think straight, I am only seeing red, this is one of the many problems I have with my life. I have anger issiues and I am talking about the real issiues, the ones everything is red ans it doesn't matter who is in my way, I will break this person. I only care about breaking Dave, this dude is seriously going to pay, I am going to break his nose and a few other bones. I will also kick him, until he is fucking bleeding. I will fucking break his balls, because he has no. If a guy fucks a girl against her will, he has zero balls.

Thank you guys for the 39 followers, 1.3k+ reads and for the support, I am probably going to finish this book when I actually feel like it, because this book is actually making it possible for me to share some problems me and other girls/boys have been through. I have not been raped, thank god, but I know some girls who have been or almost. It is important to share this story, the victims are stronger than they think they are<3 i love you guys.

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