chapter 5.

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Danny and I have been getting closer these days, he told me about his family, and how he always wanted a sister. He told me I was his little sister from this day on, which was adorable. Daniel is a good kid, and I trusted him from the moment I asked him to bring me home. He told me about Dominic, and their relationship. Dominic's family adopted Daniel, after Daniel's parents gave him up for adoption. I didn't tell him I was sorry, but I was sorry, I just didn't expect him to be a guy who seemed to like someone's pity. I also told Daniel about my life, not leaving a single detail out. I told him about James, and his ways with everything, and his ways with me. I told him about my family and so much more. I trust him with my life, I did not trust many guys these days, thanks to James for ruining that, but I do trust Daniel. I trust him with everything I told him and more.

"Love, Dominic will drive me home today. Would you like to stay for dinner with us?" Daniel asks me, and I give him a nod. I don't want to tell him no, Daniel is a sweet guy.

"Does Dominic mind it, me staying over for dinner I mean?" I ask him, because last time I did tease him, I dry humped him, I kissed him and I left him. He will probably not like the idea of me being around.

"He actually told me to bring you as well, he says you guys get along pretty well." I start heating up, and my cheeks are getting hotter. They are probably as red as a tomato, and I can't help it. I don't know if I can go, but Daniel will start thinking and questioning about it, when I change my mind, I do not like explaining what ever the hell this is.

"Alright, I will be there." I say, without actually thinking this all through. I am freaking stupid, how will I survive today. I look at Daniel, and I force a small smile. I hate the fact I have to sit with Dominic in one room, for at least an hour. I have to act happy, and I have to be polite to him. Alli, you can do that, you got this. I tell myself.

Guess what, school went by too quick, the day felt like ten minutes. Of fucking course, when I don't want to be somewhere, the day flies by. I start looking around me, searching for Daniel, but I find Dominic instead, fucking great. Did you notice the sarcasm?

"Hello, love." He says, and I saw something in his eyes, it looked like joy, was he actually enjoying this? He thought this was funny? Of course, he does.

"Hi, Dominic." I say, without looking at him. He probably does remember our kiss, and I don't want to help him remember it, if that meant avoiding his look, I will avoid his look as much as I can.

"Danny and you have been getting closer?" He asks me, and I finally looked up and I meet his eyes. I nod my head, and let out a small 'yup'.

"I thought Danny wasn't into girls, to be honest with you. I always saw him for the boy who went for boys. Nothing wrong with that though." He tells me, with a questioning look, o god, he thinks we are in a relationship. Hell no, we are not. He is like my brother.

"We are not together, why would you think that? Girls can actually be friends with boys, you know? That is a normal situation." I tell him, feeling frustrated and angry.

"Is that so? So I can be your friend?" He turns around, and he pulls me closer. His finger starts stroking my cheek, and I want to lean into his touch. It made me feel safe, and I have a feeling he was going to let me.

"I would totally kiss you, if I didn't saw my brother walking up to us right now." And with that his hand left my cheek, my body felt cold again, empty.

"Let's go guys!" Daniel yells, being enthusiastic as always. Dom tells me to sit in the front, and Danny had to sit in the back. I see Dom in the corner of my eye looking at me. I was not uncomfortable, but neither comfortable.

We arrive, and we go inside the building. I sit down on the couch, after Danny told me to make myself comfortable. I look around the room, and I notice some pictures with Dominic on it. There are some dog pictures, and some pictures with Danny, Dom and a boy.

"Who is the boy on the picture?" I ask Dominic, being curious. I ask Dominic about it, only because Daniel wasn't here, so I can't ask him. That is the only reason I am talking to him right now.

"That was Danny's best friend, he died two years ago in a car accident. He does not like to talk about it. So do not start about it when he is around." He tells me, and I nod my head. Daniel never told me about this, but it isn't like he owned me an explanation, but I do trust him with my secrets. Doesn't he trust me?

"Daniel is a nice guy, he is different from anyone, I will never be like him. He is just more closed about sharing secrets about his life." Dominic told me and continued, "You could ask me anything and I wouldn't mind, but Danny does mind. The guy likes this privacy."

"Then I will ask you something, why do you make out with everyone? Doesn't it make you feel like, I don't know, disgusted?" I ask him, not sure why I asked.

"I don't know. I just feel like doing it, and when I feel like something I just, well I just do it. I try not to think about most things, because thinking makes everything harder and when you think, emotions get involved. I don't like doing emotions." He tells me, with a blank expression on his face.

"Did you ever get hurt? Is that why you don't do emotions?" I ask him, and I immediately regret asking him.

"You are a noisy one, well fuck off, because I am not going to tell you shit." And with that he walks away, and leaves me alone in the room. What happened to being an open book?

Thank you so much for the 160+ readers. I will try to upload more often from now<3

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