The Magic Words

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Otp Prompt #1: Baz gets seriously injured and his enemy, Simon is the only one there to help him- but he's still crap at magic.

~ Ahhh so I wrote this and posted it nearly a year ago. Here I am now, nearly done with this compilation of one shots, reading this, and I'm so proud of how much I've grown. I don't want to delete these beginning parts, because I do like seeing my progress, but I would like new readers to know that my writing does get better! I know there are inconsistencies and weird tense things in this one, but I am so proud at the amount I've improved this year. Go check out some of my more recent ones if you're new and not a fan of this writing right here, haha. With that being said... enjoy! ~

We are fighting bloody goblins, of all the fucking things. Baz and I had been walking back to our dorm, separate but walking the same way as always- when large handsome goblins appeared out of nowhere. Apparently they finally got the memo about coming in groups. Some of them were using wands, some swords, like me. Baz was as ruthless with his spells as he is on the pitch. We were fighting them off just fine for a long while, until there were only about five of them left. I parrying and jabbing every which way with my sword while Baz rattled off spells like a machine. Even though he's my enemy, I couldn't help but admire the way he so eloquently fires spells off like it's nothing.

Anyway, I was just finishing off the two goblins with me when I heard a groan from behind me. I looked back and saw Baz finishing off one goblin... while another sunk his blade into Baz's thigh. He fell to the ground as the blade left his skin in a sickening squish sound. I don't really remember what happened next- just that I could feel all of the magic rise to my skin as I shouted his name. Suddenly all of the goblins just vanished. But I didn't let myself think about it for too long, because there was Baz... cheekbones, muscles, sweat and a grotesque shade of green.

"Baz, Baz, Baz. You're fine... you'll be fine... it's not even that bad," I look down at his wound, pressing a shaky hand to it. It comes back red. His eyes are drooping and the blood coming out of his leg feels never ending. I was supposed to be the one to finish him. Not some bloody twat of a goblin. I pull Baz onto my lap, still shaking. I get out my wand to start casting healing spells, but he puts one of his hands on mine.

"Hey, Snow. Snow. It's okay. I know you didn't get to finish me off like originally planned. But it's fine. It's my time." I can't stop shaking for some reason. His face is even paler than usual and he's still bleeding.

"Hey, no. I will be the one to finish you, Basilton Grimm-Pitch. I will. Just one spell, and this will all be cleaned up. Early to bed and-" I start off a healing spell, but Baz slaps his hand over my mouth.

"Snow, if you do that, I'll definitely die." He cracks a small smile and lets out a small laugh. Of all the goddamn things he could be doing right now, he's laughing. Of course he's laughing. Even as he is about to die-

Fuck. He's about to die.

I don't know how long I had been holding it in for, but I burst into tears. Full on tears, sobs wracking my body as I hold Baz- who's looking at me like I'm absolutely insane. I desperately try to push on his wound, stemming the flow. I'm trying anything to stop it. To make him better. I yell for help, but there isn't anyone in sight.

"No, please, Baz. Please." I look down at his face and see that he's already looking up at me. He's my enemy. I have no idea why I'm trying to save him. I'm supposed to want him dead. So then why am I so desperate to save his life? As I ponder over this, Baz speaks.

"Simon-" A small smile plays on his lips.

I don't have to think about it. I think I always knew deep down how I feel about him. I mean, that explains why I would always follow him, and watch him on the pitch even when I didn't need to. Why I'm so desperate to save him. "I love you, Baz." The words come out drenched and dripping in magic. I've always thought that those words were magic themselves. I was right. A new spell... that would never get old.

Just like...well... magic, his wound closes right up. His thigh is still wet with blood, but it's stopped flowing. Some color (well, color may be the wrong word. He just gets less pale) returns to his face, but he looks like he's seen a ghost. He sits straight up and looks me dead in the eye. Sneers at me. Looks like he's about to attack.

And then he kisses me. He lunges forward like predator attacking prey... and pushes his lips against mine. I wish I could say that I only just realized that I'm in love with him. But as I do things I thought I had never thought of before- like tangling my hand in his hair and running my other hand up under his shirt- I realize that somewhere deep down... I've always been in love with him.

Baz pulls back and I'm ashamed to admit that I let out a whine at the loss of contact. He doesn't pull far away. His arms are still wrapped around me and he looks at me with his grey eyes blazing. "I love you too, Snow."

"You called me Simon, before."

"No I didn't." But before he can continue to protest, I press my lips to his again and I get lost in the world of Baz. I'm kissing a bloke. I'm kissing my enemy. And I love it.

"Wait," I say as I pull back, remembering something. "What were you going to say to me before I healed you?" A thoughtful look passes his features like he's debating whether or not to tell me.

"I, uh... I'm a vampire, Snow. I wouldn't have died with that stab wound." He tries to hide a smirk, but I know he's relishing in this.

"You cock! I knew it! I yell, smacking him on the chest. I can't help but smile; just a little.

"No, you didn't." He rolls his eyes but doesn't let go of me. I'm sure he just didn't say anything before because he was enjoying being held in my arms far too much. Oh, Baz. Always plotting. Hell, he could still be plotting. This could all be some elaborate ruse to kill me... but I am enjoying being held by him far too much to do anything about it.

"Yes I-" I'm cut off once again by his cold lips on mine.

And I'm lost again.

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