The Argument

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Of course the demons had followed them through. Of course. Iskall parried the strikes of the demon he dueled, but he knew he was being overpowered. He was losing ground by the second, falling further and further back so as to not get hurt.

And then he saw his opening. He thrust his sword through the gap in the blue demon's guard. Or, rather, he tried to. He felt a sudden chill run through him, before a bolt of ice was fired at his opponent. She launched into the air, startled, and went after the person behind him. Stress.

The ice queen thrust up a shield around her, in an attempt to block her assailant. In response, the demon started blasting the ice with magic. Iskall ran up to the demon and tried to impale her, recieving a blast of magic to the face instead.

When his eyes and ears cleared, all that was left was Stress, nursing a wounded arm. She looked up, and Iskall followed her gaze. There was the blue demon, flying away perfectly unharmed.

"What?" Iskall asked, confused.

"I pretended I was too injured to be a threat. I didn't want anyone to get hurt." Stress explained, shrugging.

"Really. You don't want the ones responsible for hurting Zed and Impulse to pay?" Iskall asked incredulously, one eyebrow raised.

"No, I want them to learn their lessons, you plonker! We have no right to hurt them!"

"Says who. They subjected or friends to a fate worse than death!"

"That still gives us no right to hurt people!"

"They're. Not. People."

A tense silence fell, the two starting each other in the eye, waiting for one to blink. You would have been able to hear a fly drop off any had dared.

"Oh, really?" Stress' voice was quiet and curry as it shattered the silence like glass.

"Yes, really." Iskall's tone was serious, but barely louder than Stress.

"Well, maybe I don't want to work with you again."

"Yeah. Well, maybe we're not friends anymore."

"Yeah. Goodbye."


The two stormed away from each other, shooting furious glares. As their ways parted, each made stormy views with themselves to never speak to the other again.

A couple hours later, Joe found Stress sitting on a block of ice, looking up at the sky. He sat down beside her, and asked what she was looking at. She just replied with a sad smile. The two day in silence for a few minutes before she finally spoke up.

"I was thinking of starting a new team. It would be like La Revolution, but we would try not to hurt anyone." She explained, turning to face Joe.

"You want me to join your new team? Is that your point, as it may seem?"

"No." Stress paused, before grinning. "Yes, you plonker!"

"Who else do you think would be in our side for this wild ride?"

"Uh... False and Cleo, maybe?"

"Well, that sounds like a plan. When we've spoken to them, I shall meet with you again."

Ah yes, it is all coming together. The two mainland revolutionary organisations have split, and we are fast approaching the actual first chapter.

Yes, this is all exposition, fite meh.

OdalRune, signing off from the past!

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