Tragedy Or Caper Part 2: The Schemery

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Azin, Kelgi, Garaa and Tango were all just generally existing together in their base's enchanting room. They'd run out of fun and interesting card games to play months before, and they figured giving Kelgi another power trip like she got after winning Munchkin was probably a bad idea. There wasn't much conversation either, as they were all trying to mull over the latest helpful tidbit of existential dread Azin had provided.

Suddenly, Garaa stood up, her magic gathering around her hand, also containing the faintest wisps of vibrant yellow. When Tango noticed that last detail, he went just a little paler. Garaa stood there, seemingly looking upon an entirely different scene, for a couple minutes, then dropped her hand, the magic around her hand dissipating.

"One of the soulless-" Garaa began.

"Impulse." Tango muttered.


"His name is Impulse."

"Fine. Impulse, then. He reports that a group of them are on the move towards here." Garaa finished, only slightly exasperated. "With cookies."

"Ah. Diplomacy." Azin grinned. Nobody could tell if he was genuinely happy, or simply mocking. Garaa made a noise of disgust.

"Gee, don't be like that." Kelgi scolded. "Did you find out who was in the group?"

"Yes." Garaa replied. "The ninja-"

"-Etho-" Tango explained for the umpteenth time.

"-The one with the cybernetic eye-"

"-Either Iskall or Doc-"

"-The girl with goggles-"


"-And two of the author magic kids."

"...I don't know, sorry." Tango shrugged.

"Well, what I see here is an opportunity for, if not some Collection," Tango grimaced at the way Kelgi emphasised that last word, "then at least a few hostages, am I right?"

"But we have to be careful." Azin cautioned, his brow furrowed and his expression unreadable. "If we hurt one of the two authors with them, then that would be bad." Garaa, Kelgi and Tango all turned to face Azin, each one raising either one eyebrow or the other. Azin put his hands up, making a squeak of protest. "Because then our deal with Aqua - the siren one - would be void." He clarified. "And you DON'T get to look at me like that, Tango. I've met you."

"You may have a point," Kelgi conceded, "but we can certainly hold them hostage as long as we're careful about it! These Hermits have a near-suicidal care for their own, as our dear knight can attest." At this remark, there was suddenly a very large, very silver burst of anger from the corner of the room. The demons pretended to ignore it.

"And anyway, the Hermits are free game." Garaa grinned, in such a way that it was almost more like baring her fangs. "I don't even understand why they thought this was a good idea."

"They clearly don't." Tango spoke up. "They're sending three of the best PvPers this server this has to offer. They're ready for this to go wrong."

"And so we use that to our advantage. We subvert their expectations. We play along until even the most hard-headed of them lets down their guard." Kelgi smiled a thin smile. "And then we strike with extreme prejudice."

Thyme skip! Or basil skip! Or sage skip! Who knows!

"Welcome, Hermits and... author magic users? Not sure what to collectively refer to refer to you four as." Kelgi greeted, her arms wide. She was in the entrance hall alongside Azin. Tango and Garaa weren't there, instead preparing for the ambush. "We have been expecting you. Come on in!"

And so AC, Aqua, Etho, False, Iskall and the plate of cookies nervously came in. Azin winced and looked away at the bright smile on AC's face, gaining morals for the briefest of seconds as he wondered if he could really go through with this. Still, he swallowed his guilt, and the group moved to a room Kelgi had specially prepared for the 'negotiations'.

Time to get started.

*Ackbar voice* IT'S A TRAAAAAAAP!

Although I think we all saw this coming, didn't we?

I've been Entropy, peace out from the present!

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