Neutral Run Part 1: The Plan

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The nHo and the ConVex were sitting around a table together. Well, BDubs was standing, but he was the one that called the meeting, so it was probably okay. In front of him was spread the map of the Demons' base that ᔑ had sent, along with the map that the nHo had made prior to receiving that.

"We have, BDubs began, smiling widely, "A full, accurate map of the Demons' base, thanks to Mr. swooshy-woop. We also have Wels' soul in a safe space where they can't get at him. Once those two get back, we will have all the information we need to restore all of out soulless friends to their healthy, happy selves. But there is one piece of the puzzle that we don't have — we don't have a place to restore them to.

"But Iskall said to hold off on doing anything else." Beef pointed out. "At least until Ren and Wels get back."

"Iskall- they- Iskall doesn't know the value of multitasking, then!" BDubs replied, slightly angry. "And, may I remind you," He quickly gathered together the scraps of his composure, "They're not our boss. Technically, Doc is. Just because we're on the same side doesn't mean we're the same organisation."

"Actually, I think somewhere where Cub and I signed up, it said specifically that we were joining La Revolution." Scar pointed out, mildly disappointed.

"But we wouldn't be here if we weren't willing to help." Cub reminded Scar, who gave a shocked expression in return, something that you didn't have to be an empath to realise read something along the lines of 'you knew!?'.

"...So you're down with mutiny?" Beef asked, concerned.

"Generally speaking, it's only mutiny if it's military." Etho pointed out. Cub grinned, and a soft smile appeared on Scar's face. Beef frowned slightly.

"Well, I'm on board with it," Doc quickly agreed, before the group could get too derailed by the sheer chaotic energy of the room. "Explain your plan, BDubs." BDubs paused for a second to recall his plan, having not actually prepared for his idea to get this far.

"It's simple." He eventually said. "We cause a lot of trouble, and wait for the Demons to send out one of our friends to get us." He explained. "Then, when that happens — KAPOW!" He slammed the table. Cub winced slightly at the wave of unprecedented-this-season extreme excitement. BDubs paused for effect, then continued. "We knock them out — as low-damaging as possible, of course — and take them back home, rinse and repeat for the others, and then we wait for Wels and Ren to get back."

"That's... not a bad plan." Beef admitted.

"Alright." Doc smiled. "Operation... uh..."

"Operation Bring 'em Home?" Scar offered.

"Sure." Doc agreed. "Operation Bring 'em Home is go!" He declared, standing ip. Etho followed suit, then the ConVex, then Beef.

And so, it began.

...I have no excuse for how late this is :p

I've been Entropy, peace out from the present!

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