Important Information

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This story is for the one-shots and mini-series I post on Tumblr (sassy-pelican). All of these will be for Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sebastian Stan, and/or Chris Evans. There will be no other character or real person fics here.

Unless stated otherwise, all reader inserts are assumed to be female, or at least having female biology. This is not meant to offend, but it does make it easier for me to write as I am a female.

There will be smut chapters. Chapters with smut will be marked with an asterisk (*). Further warnings will be at the top of each chapter indicating what type of one-shot/imagine that part is. 

As I have never written smut before (and have no actual experience as of this moment) please be kind in the assessment of my smut. Constructive criticism is always welcome because I may need it. However, rude comments just for the sake of being rude will not be tolerated. 

All prompts are my own unless stated otherwise. 

Side notes:

[Y/N] = Your nickname or whatever you go by most frequently (e.g. Katherine but goes by Katie)
[Y/F/N] = Your first name (not a nickname, e.g. Katherine not Katie)
[Y/L/N] = Your last name

~ Sam(antha)  

One-Shots | Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers (and actors)Where stories live. Discover now