Soulmate AU - Surprise Drabble (Sebastian Stan)

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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x plus-size-fem!Reader
Premise: You visit Sebastian in Atlanta while he's filming, but the set pictures are a nice bonus.
Warning: Language, fluff, allusions to sexy times, implied smut, those set pictures.
A/N: I've been thinking about writing this for days but just never got around it, until now. Anyway, if you haven't seen the pictures (how?) you can find them at the end. This is unedited.


You knew that despite the fact that you were visiting Sebastian while he filmed, you wouldn't be seeing a lot of him. Civilians and such weren't allowed on set. However, the nights he came back to the hotel and he wasn't half dead, the two of you made sure you both were effectively sated by the time you passed out.

His haggard appearance was a little worrisome though. He looked tired most nights, far too tired to be healthy. Still, on those nights, the two of you would just hold each other and listen to the other breathe as you drifted off to sleep.

Tomorrow was your last day here, after all, you had a job and a life back home. As much as you wanted to stay, you couldn't. Everything in you hoped that tonight wouldn't be one of the nights he came back too tired to do anything but shower. Maybe he'd even forget to take his arm off again, something that still sends tingles down your spine.

"I'm back!" Sebastian yells as he opens the door to his suite. You barely look up from your book as he does, however the liveliness in his voice is enough to let you know the night is just getting started.

"I know you can't give me specifics but was today an important day or one with filler stuff." You ask.

"A bit of both really. Mostly silly scenes though, tomorrow is some of the heavier stuff."

"You still on that dreaded diet or can we order a real pizza instead of that healthy shit." Your teasing but not fully.

"Unfortunately, I still need that healthy shit." He groans, he misses the greasy goodness as much as you do.

"Come sit while I order it." As he shrugs off his jacket, one you thought he didn't really need because while it might be November, Atlanta is still fairly warm, you notice the famed glint of Bucky's arm.

"Oh shit!" He seems to realize he forgot to remove it before leaving the same time as you do. Although, maybe his mind is going in a different direction than yours.

"Forget something there Sebby?"

"Oh, fuck you Samantha." He teases. You smirk.

"Promise?" The slightly evil look in your eye is enough to leave him sputtering.

"W-W-What?" Although he seems off put, you can tell he's getting excited. His pupils are blown, and the clenching of his fists tell you that much.

"I've always kinda had a thing for that arm." You step closer, his breathing getting more erratic. "Maybe you can put it to good use."

"With pleasure."

Even just thinking about what transpired is enough to set you back on edge. The ding from your phone however is nice distraction. You read the message, not fully understanding what Sebastian's talking about before another text comes in, this time with pictures attached. They are enough to set your panties on fire.

You always thought he looked good in all black, but this, this is a new level. Suddenly, you are far more ready for this series than you thought. You kind of want to tease him too but think better of it. While you could potentially get yourself off, he couldn't, and you're not that evil.

Instead, you wait for hours as he continues with his day while you think about all the debauchery the two of you have done and could do. The delicious images of hands, fingers, lips, anything on every inch of skin sets your aflame. However, the image of him fucking you while wearing that outfit is what really sets you off.

By the time he comes back through that door an hour later, you don't want to wait. As soon as he drops whatever he's holding, you're shoving him against the nearest wall and kissing the daylights out of him. His surprise is only evident in the seconds he stills, unable to process the new sensation so quickly. It doesn't last though. Soon, he's griping your ass with everything he's got and basically tongue fucking your mouth.

"Did you send those pictures with this intention?" You ask in between kisses trailing down his neck and onto his partially exposed chest.

"I didn't." He says, gasping as you nip at his collar bone.

"Positive?" You ask, grinding your hips into his, the resulting moan is pure heaven.

"Not anymore." He says, roughly grabbing your hips and turning you around. Your back hits the wall as his lips slam into yours. His lips almost bruising, but you don't care. All you can think about now is everything you want him to do to you and everything you want to do to him.

"Fuck me Seb."



~ Sam(antha)

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