Soulmate AU: Bucky Barnes

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Premise: Everyone is born with the soundwaves of the first words their soulmate says on the inside of their dominant hands' wrist. When those words are said, the birthmark/tattoo turns scar-like. Yours just so happens to turn into a scar when you run into – literally – the former Winter Soldier.
Warning: Fluff, language
A/N: I am hoping to make this into a multi-part mini-series, but no promises. After seeing the initial and continual response to my Sebastian Stan Soulmate AU, I decided I would try my hand at a different soulmate trope for Bucky.

Your morning was peachy; absolutely marvelous. Nothing beats spilled coffee all over your front, a broken heel, an alarm that did go off – courtesy of your power going out briefly during the night – and realizing that you are going to have to go to work late with a coffee covered shirt. You hurry down the sidewalk, not paying any mind to speed or trajectory. Your only focus is on the destination at hand, the hell that is your job.

It doesn't even register as you slam into a solid human, build much like a brick wall. You hardly notice as you start falling backwards, almost hitting the ground. Thankfully, the nice human brick wall catches you, saving you from any further embarrassment.

"You okay?" The man says, still holding you upright. You nod. Already trying to brush yourself off, mind still focused on rushing to work. You glance down, catching the sight of your wrist. Your eyes go wide.

"Fucking shit. Today of all days?" You mutter, knowing that his own birthmark tattoo will turn scar-like. You can feel his hand tense on your upper arms. "Sorry. I am already having a shitty day and it isn't even nine." Your eyes unconsciously travel up and down the person opposite you. What the hell is he wearing?

"Um ..." He trails off before looking down at his own attire. Tactical gear. It is then that you notice one of his hands is gloved. Puzzling, but not exactly enough to set off red flags, even if it should. Sighing, you step away from the strange man that is obviously your soulmate.

"I really have to go. I work at the large building around the corner, you really can't miss it. It has the big sign that says Stark." You tell him, clearly ignoring the look of pure shock and horror on his face. "Come by later and ask for [Y/F/N] [Y/L/N]. We can talk then." Without much more, you begin to hurry back to the Stark building.

Not even five minutes late – a miracle if you had any say in it – you are greeted by your boss, and she looks pissed. "Miss [Y/L/N]! You are late. As the assistant to the head of HR you are expected to be on time and –" She eyes your shirt, nose wrinkling in disgust. "What are you wearing!"

"On the way here, I had a small incident with coffee. And as you pointed out, I am late, therefore I had no time to go back home and change. I have an extra blouse in my desk that I will gladly change into." You state, far more calmly than you feel.

She nods. "In my office. Ten minutes." Turning on her heal, she walks off. Everyone who witnessed the small display of false dominance all breathe a sigh of relief once she is out of earshot.

Your closest coworker, Jane, looks at you. "I don't how you do it [Y/N]. You are the only person I know who can stand up to her."

"I'm her assistant, I have to be able to tell her what to do. Even if it is under the false guise of submissiveness. Plus, I am not easily intimidated." You fumble through your desk, pulling out the clean blouse from the bottom drawer. You can still hear Jane muttering to herself and anyone who will listen as you make your way into the bathroom to change.

Fully clothed and in clean clothes, you stride into your boss's office. She looks up from her computer, her eyes disapproving of your new outfit almost as much as the previous coffee stained shirt. "Sit." You do so.

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