Soulmate AU - Sleigh Ride Part 1 (Sebastian Stan)

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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x plus-size-fem!Reader
Premise: Sebastian and reader get to know the intricacies and not so fun parts of a carriage ride.
Warning: Language, allusions to past and future sexy times, fluff, just pure cuteness.
A/N: I wasn't planning on doing this one but after reading two of the fics for this, I decided I wanted to. That tends to happen. There will be a second part to this as I had a few ideas for it but was unsure if @panicfob (tumblr) would accept smut for their challenge, so I figured I should split it up to be safe. Links to the inspiring fics can be found at the end. This is unedited. 


You and Sebastian have had this day planned for weeks. The two of you would get to go on a sleigh ride, drink hot chocolate, and then go back to his place to cuddle and do ... other things. Fortunately, the plan is still there. Unfortunately, the lack of snow is hindering the sleigh ride. Although, you thought that with the amount of sleet and ice on the ground, the company could do it, but they didn't think so.

Instead, you and Sebastian are getting a carriage ride sans the hot chocolate with sleet and freezing rain; not exactly the romantic day the two of you had planned.

"All set back there?" The driver, or whatever their called, asks from his seat.

"Yep." The two of you reply, already huddled up with the provided blankets trying to keep warm in the frigid temperatures.

Without so much as warning, which you thought would have been nice, he takes off, jolting you into Sebastian in the most unromantic manner possible.

"Sorry." You mumble, picking yourself up off his lap. Although, the body heat is nice.

"It's fine." He replies, pulling you closer, obviously thinking the same thing you were moments ago. "You're warm."

"So are you."

"Not what I had in mind when I suggested this."

"I know, and if the stupid weather had cooperated with our plans, it would have been great."

"It's all the weathers fault."

"Yes," you smile, "and the weather channel for lying to us about it."

"Bastards." He can't say it with a straight face, the smile breaking out at the tail end of the word making both of you laugh.

"Everything alright back there?" The driver asks, interrupting the perfectly good moment.

"Just fine." You reply, looking into Sebastian's eyes and fighting back the laugh that want to escape.

In hindsight, the two of you probably should've canceled the ride, but you didn't, not being the stubborn idiots, you are. Not long after the incident of laughter, all of it ceased. The precarious top – the only shield from the outside the two of you had – ripped, pelting you and Sebastian in sleet and the cold wind.

The think blanket didn't do much to help keep you warm, even the residual body heat idea, plus clothes, wasn't helping. You were freezing, and fairly sure your nose was turning a purple-blue color. Sebastian wasn't fairing any better. His on nose was blueish and the fingers pressed against your side were like ice. Judging by the feeling in your own toes, you wouldn't be surprised if both of you ended up with a bit of frostbite.

"I think I'm dying of hypothermia." He says, teeth chattering.

"Not without me you're not."

"But I'm so cold."

"We will get that hot chocolate you promised me after this hellish ride."

"Agreed." He smirks. "Although, I think I might need a bit more warmth than hot chocolate can provide."

"Mr. Stan, if that is your completely unromantic way of asking me to have sex with you?"

"Absolutely," he laughs, you right along with him. "I need to make sure my dick still works after this."

"Fair enough. I think my nipples might fall off before we get to that part."

"We're here!" The driver calls. Both you and Sebastian glance at each other before scrambling over one another in your half -frozen states in an attempt to vacate the deathtrap as fast as possible.

"Oh, thank fuck." You grumble, practically falling out as Sebastian huffs impatiently behind you.

"So, about that hot chocolate ..."

Fic 1:

Fic 2:

~ Sam(antha)

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