Untitled Endgame AU 2

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Chapter 2 | third person

The five faces, most recognizable to the general public, hover over the woman now in the Wakandan medical bay. The King and his sister, both staring at her with the same bewilderment as the others. "We saw the readings. It looked like the same type of power as the Infinity Stones." Natasha, infamous Black Widow, says. She stares at the unconscious woman, mouth pinched, and brows furrowed.

"It did Miss Romanoff." T'Challa replies, eyes not leaving the woman.

"Do we know what caused it?" Steve asks, looking to the King and his sister.

"Her, Mr. Rogers. She caused it." Shuri answers, the question baffling her.

No one speaks, only looks to the child. "What makes you so sure?"

"Mr. Stark, you may be the smartest person on your continent, but I am the smartest person on mine. I can say with certainty, this woman caused the cosmic surge."

He only nods. "Why?"

"Excuse me?" She asks.

"Do you know why?" Tony asks.

"Without a verbal explanation from the woman herself I cannot be one-hundred percent certain, but I can be almost positive that somehow she was given powers by the stones themselves." Again, Tony says nothing.

"They should have killed her Cap." Natasha quips, still staring at the woman. A million things are running through her mind, most the bas sort, but a few are merely curious.

"I know." Steve says, a sigh escaping his lips.

"Why didn't they?"

"Exactly!" Tony yells, gesturing widely to Nat.

"Call everyone else. Tell them to do more research on the stones." Steve says to no one in particular. Shuri, being the only one not still gawking, leaves.

"T'Challa, I hope we aren't overstepping, but may be take her back with us?" Steve asks, looking to the regal man.

"You may." He smiles. "I hope you like animals."


Hours later and back in Upstate New York, the woman, now identified by AI as Dawn Stinton, is in a different medical bay. No closer to regaining consciousness. Natasha sits, waiting for responses from her other allies on more information about the Infinity Stones. Unsurprisingly, Carol Danvers is the first to answer.

"They seek out a host of some kind." She tells the other woman.

"A host?"

"Apparently, the stones look for something that can withstand their power. Most of the time it kills humans, but not all the time. Not if the stones aren't whole."

"So, she was hit with the remnants of the stones, not the full ones."

"It seems like it." Carol doesn't move. "When broken or weak they seek out living things, not objects. It stabilizes them better."

"Then why did she suddenly explode without power if they are stable?" Natasha eyes the sandwich on the table, hungry after hours of fruitless labor on her own part.

"As someone who had suppressed powers for years herself, I can honestly say that I don't know how she did it. It seems as if she ignored it for five years. You said the readings were almost exact to the initial blast that caused this mess correct?"


"She held that in, without much issue. I can't imagine holding whatever it is I have back for that long. I am astonished that she managed." Carol explains. Understanding dawns Nat's face.

"Let me know if you have more will you?"


Sighing, and even more confused than before, Natasha simply props her feet up before grabbing her sandwich. Finally eating after a long day. However, her mind is still reeling from the new information. "So, the girl is one touch cookie huh?"

Steve looks up from his apparent hiding spot in the opposite corner. "Heard all that did you Mr. Terrible Spy?"

"I did." He stands, dragging his chair over to in front of her desk. "Any news on her waking up?"

"Not yet. I told Bruce to call. So far-" The signal for an incoming message cuts her off. Bruce, in all his green glory, greets her.

"She's awake." He doesn't say anything else before disconnecting. Steve and Nat both look to each other before jumping up and racing to the medical wing.

The woman, Dawn, sits on her bed, Roxi at her feet, purring, and Maezi at the side of her bed. Both are eying the green man, large green man, rather suspiciously. "Where am I?" She asks.

The door opens, one winded woman and one not winded man enter. "You are in New York." The man answers.

"Why? I know who you all are, I haven't done anything that would warrant your attention, nor do I know anyone who would." She explains, reaching down to pet her now on guard dog.

"Miss, you generated an explosion that matched the type of power originating from the Infinity Stones." Natasha says, eying the woman carefully.

"I did what!" She pauses, gripping onto the fur under her fingers tighter. "I – how – what?" She stares the three people, shock creeping into her gaze.

"Can you tell us how and when you started to feel," Steve pauses, searching for the right word, "different?"

She sighs. "About five years ago I was renting a place for the summer in Africa. It's the same place you guys found these two." She gestures to the two pets, no one has the heart to tell her otherwise. "There was an explosion far off in the distance. I knew I couldn't outrun it, not with out fast it was traveling. The only thing I remember is that before everything became pain, I hoped that it would stop before reaching them."

No one moves as she takes in a shaky breath. "I don't know how long I was there, in the clearing. It was daylight when the explosion happened, it was dark when I came to. I got to the cottage faster than I thought I could, but I didn't question it. Over the course of a few years I felt something inside me, something powerful, growing."

Natasha nods. "You ignored it."

"Yes. I ignored it. Chose to live as if nothing happened. It worked for a while. It was always there, then it wasn't. The dull thrum went silent, no less present, but it wasn't as loud. I thought it meant it was leaving, hoped it meant it was leaving. I guess I was wrong."

"What did it look like?" Bruce asks.

"It was like this big black ball of magic. It started out all around me, pushing out farther. It was coming from my hands mainly. After trying to control it, I finally managed to get it in front of me, only I lost control of it. It got bigger. I tried to undo it, after a few tries it worked. Only I didn't think it would crash back to me. It did. I passed out."

"How well versed in the Infinity Stones are you?" Steve asks.

"Not very." Dawn replies.

"How would you like to learn?"

This is the second part of my Endgame AU (if I add more parts than I have posted on my Tumblr, I will create a seperate story). Enedited.

~ Sam(antha)

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