Soulmate AU - Fans Drabble (Sebastian Stan)

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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader

Premise: After a few months of the blissful quiet and secret relationship, at least publicly, you and Sebastian decide to do to an event together.

Warning: Language, fluff, nasty fans, Sebastian, I can't think of any others.

A/N: This takes place in the same universe as my Sebastian Stan Soulmate mini-series, it's The warnings about the reader's physical appearance are the same as they are for the official three-part series. This is not to exclude but to add to the storyline. While not necessary to understand and enjoy this drabble, reading the first three parts would be beneficial and greatly appreciated. This also takes place after a drabble I can't post yet as it is being done as part of a challenge.

The initial passion between the two of you had cooled significantly. It was still there sure, but at least now you both confident that you could go to McDonalds without getting it on in the bathroom. The months of careful planning and silence to the public eye had been anything but easy.

The few dates you and Sebastian managed to go on, outside of takeout delivered to either a hotel or your house, were getting harder and harder to set up. You knew that he wanted to go public, even if only for the ease of getting a nice meal that wasn't at three in the morning. Even you had to admit that it was time.

Still you had reservations about it. You knew how sadistic some fans could be, be it on purpose or not. While you were comfortable in your skin, and far more than just okay with who you are, it still worried you that cruel words would sting.

The night of the premiere for his newest film, or one of them, was upon you. He had told you the title, and you are also sure you had talked about it in length, but the nerves are frying your brain. The nerves making you second guess the decision to tag along; causing you to second guess the gorgeous you picked just for tonight. It wasn't an overly formal event; didn't even have a tie on. Although, you wouldn't have minded it he did, you liked to tug on his ties.

"Babe you look gorgeous." He mutters from behind you.

"You," you turn and give him a pointed look, "are required to say that."

"You think I would lie and tell you that you look great when you don't?"

You stare at him. "Seb. You'd think I looked good in a potato sack. Your opinion is slightly biased."

He smiles but doesn't counter. Pecking you on the forehead, you take yours hand and pulls you from the mirror. "We're going to be late." He attempts to bury his face in your , hair you had taken, with the help of various stylists he had on hand, hours to create.

"Alright. Alright." You sigh, squeezing his hand for a small amount of comfort.

"Everything will be fine." Sebastian reassures.

"Yeah. Yeah. Okay."

Everything wasn't fine. No matter how hard you had tried, no matter how hard Sebastian had tried, the words from not only his fans but the various people trying to get pictures and interviews had stung. They had stung worse than you had prepared yourself for. All of that was before the backlash on the internet that you had stupidly opened this morning.

'Why does she think she has a chance?'

'She can't be his soulmate! Look at her!'

'Probably nothing but a gold digging whore.'

'That dress would look good on anyone but her.'

'Sebastian is mine you bitch!'

'If you could step out of the picture please.'

'Arms in, the stretch marks don't make for good publicity.'

'Those boobs can't be real! She must be made of plastic!'

No. You couldn't. You can't go down that rabbit hole. Sebastian had handled it far better than you. His smile menacing at the words directed at you, yet all you did was shut down. By the end of the night, you were holding back tears.

A few of his friends had stopped by to say hello, and all were polite, but a couple couldn't hide their silent judgement. You saw it in the way they look you up and down. You didn't hide the tears as the two of you slipped back into the hotel room. You couldn't. Sebastian had just held you; let you ruin his suit in your salty tears.

This morning isn't much better. You're in your old ratty pajamas, comfortable, but nothing even close to sexy. Sebastian hasn't said a word yet, still only holding you against him as you process. You're grateful for it, really, but you wish he would say something.

"Will it always be like this?" You ask.

"I don't know." He answers honestly. He hasn't every lied to you, not when it counted. His honesty was always, and is, your favorite part of him.

His hands rub calming circles on your arms, the arms that were under scrutiny so much last night. "I love you." He mutters into your hair.

"I love you too."

"I won't let them win. You won't let them win." He pauses. "You are everything I've ever wanted, no matter what everyone else says."

"You're everything I want too." You turn into him, face now buried in his chest. "What do we do?"

"We show the world how happy we are together."


"Kiss me."


"Kiss me [Y/N]." He looks at you pleadingly.

You blink, unsure, but lean in anyway. Just as you start to melt, you hear the faint snap of a picture. He never did turn that fucking sound off. You smile while still connected to him, earning another click. You don't try to stifle that laugh as you pull away, forehead resting against his. Another click and you pull away.

"Now help me draft this response."

"It would be my pleasure."

A/N 2: I am not writing the response to the hate just yet, if at all. The rest of this was enough. As for the comment on fake boobs, I mean no offence. But I have seen comments of that nature before. Also, as someone with naturally huge breasts: yes, they can be that big. Sincerely someone who has grown out of Victoria's Secret cup sizes.

I forgot about this one!

~ Sam(antha)

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