Soulmate AU - Ice Skating (Sebastian Stan)

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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x plus-size-fem!Reader
Premise: Sebastian and reader decide to face their fears and go ice skating.
Warning: language, fluff, humor, clumsy!seb, clumsy!reader, implied/mentions of smut (no actual smut though), etc.
A/N: I knew I wanted to do this as soon as I saw Panic's 25 Days of Christmas Fics by panicfob (tumblr). Given that I have watched an interview or seen something (if I find it, I will link it) where Sebastian claimed he couldn't ice skate. As someone who also can't, that was refreshing and thus, this idea was born. 


You and Seb had managed to go on a few dates since your first initial and quite passionate meeting. Not that things have cooled down much, you and Sebastian still pretty much wanted to fuck each other into next Sunday every time you saw each other. However, the two of you also had your share of domestic moments.

Mae has warmed up to Sebastian considerably, not that she ever didn't like him, but she sometimes cuddles with him instead of you now. You don't blame her for that either, he gives great cuddles. Somehow though, your mind can't get off the conversation you had with one another a few days ago.

A few days ago

"I've never been ice skating." You admit.

"Neither have I." He counters, smiling, sipping on the cup of hot chocolate, whipped cream covering his nose.

"Well, we're just a couple of sad human beings, aren't we?" You reply, reaching up to wipe the cream off of his face.

He grabs your wrist. "Maybe I was saving that." He mocks.

"Were you now?"

"Yes." He says, a false proud smile adorning his face.

"Don't let me stop you then." You reply.

"Although, I think I might like it better if you saved some too."

"Would it?"

"I would." His voice drops slightly, sending yet another set of shivers down your spine. The man is insatiable.

He leans in, whipped cream covered nose brushing yours. Just as you close your eyes, lips barely touching his, he pulls back and lick the tip of your nose. "Tastes better on you."

"Seb! You little shit!" You squeal. Dipping your finger in your own cup of now lukewarm chocolate, you swipe a line of whipped cream on his cheek.

"It's on now!" He warns. You laugh before bolting up, racing around the couch.

The two of you manage to get caught on either sides of the sofa, panting, and glowing grins on your faces. He has a gleam in his eye and before you know it, he jumps over the couch and has his hands at your sides. You let out an undignified squeak as he tickles you, mercilessly.

Your pleads fall on deaf ears as he continues, letting the two of you fall back to the couch. You don't stay there long, you manage to twist yourself off, taking him with you. Somehow through a haze of laughter, manic and hysterical, he lands on top of you.

He finally stops, kissing the top of your head when a soft 'plunk' sounds beside your head. Both of you turn and see Mae standing there, mouth open, tongue hanging out, tail wagging, and a squeak toy proudly displayed beside you. Neither of you can stop laughing long enough to actually throw it.


You managed to convince him to go to the ice rink, at three in the morning, but you convinced him to go. He isn't happy but agrees to appease you. "It'll be fun babe!" You try as you pull him towards the entrance.

"Yeah, if I don't fall on my ass." He mumbles, allowing you to continue pulling him along.

"We can do whatever you want when we get back." You offer. His face lights up with a devious smirk. You know that look.



"Alright. Let's do this." He smiles.

An hour in and the two of you have fallen more than either of you care to admit. The only saving grace is the fact that you have a built-in ice pack, a hard one, but an ice pack. How, you don't know, but you manage to get up. Holding out your hand you wait for Sebastian to grab it.

"I can't move Samantha! I'm too old for this."

"If you're too old for this, then you are definitely too old for whatever you had planned for later." You counter. His eyes pop open.

"Fuck no." He grunts but manages to raise himself up on shaking legs.

"See?" You look back at him, still stationary, but you still hold his hand. "This isn't so bad." Just as you start, you slip, again.


"Can we leave now?" He asks.

You sigh, audibly and dramatically. "Yeah."

By the time you make it off the ice, you are almost sure you and your ass are more acquainted with the ice than with Sebastian's body, something that up until a little over an hour ago, you didn't think possible.

"Whose stupid idea was this?" You ask as you get back into the car.

"Yours babe." He turns to you, a small smile on his face. "Remind me to never agree to something like this again."


"Bath when we get back?"

"Oh, please."

I have been sitting on this since October and I finally got to share it. 

~ Sam(antha)

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