Soulmate AU - Sebastian Stan

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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x plus-size-fem!Reader (based off self, explanation in the author's note)
Premise: On your twenty-first birthday, or the twenty-first birthday of your soulmate, you inhabit their body for twenty-four hours. The reader/you wake(s) up as Sebastian Stan.
Warning: Fluff, humor, language, implied 18+/NSFW. I don't know.
A/N: I am basing the reader off of myself. I know that means some physical characteristics are going to be different than actual readers, but I kind of wanted to use the oddity that is my body as a base because of the challenges it might cause for a person that has been a man for their entire life. In no way am I trying to alienate any readers. Also, for the intent of this AU, the reader is going to be bisexual; if that will bother anyone, please don't read it. Sebastian will also have 20/20 vision, something I am unsure about. If anyone would like to rewrite this to be more inclusive, they may do so, only if they/you have a link to my original post. Please enjoy.

Finally, less than a day left until you figure out who your soulmate is. Fuck, I hope it isn't some creepy person. You think to yourself, hoping with everything in that the man or woman's body you will be in for a whole twenty-four hours isn't some pervert. You look down, and suddenly begin to feel a but sorry for the person who has to be you for a day.

You aren't exactly skinny, and while you have made your peace with that, and have realized that without a little extra weight, you would be too top-heavy to have a functioning back, someone else might not. Your thighs touch, your arms are far too long, and all your height is in your legs, which equates to you looking like a newborn deer trying to walk most of the time.

What if they are younger than you and nothing happens? What is they are older and are mad that it didn't happen sooner? Fuck. Your mind is racing, going through every possible scenario, trying to find an easy explanation. Slowly, you feel yourself begin to panic. Stop! No, we are not going to do this today [Y/N]! No panicking!

Somehow, you yelling at yourself mentally helps. It always seems to anyway. Shit, you should probably clean a little. If this soulmate of yours is going to be you, they are going to see your house, and your bedroom. You look at your bedroom. It is a mess. Clothes everywhere, blankets and pillows everywhere, nothing is clean. You even have your old princess blanket on your bed at the moment. Well that's kind of embarrassing. Maybe you should change that.

Three hours later, almost everything that was covering your bedroom floor, is now covering your laundry room floor. Still a mess, but not in the first place he or she will see. You hesitate to change the blanket though. It is big and warm and soft; all things that help you sleep, and tonight you might need all the help you can get. Oh, fuck it. It's staying.

The Next Morning

Peeling your eyes open, you are met with a room very different from your own. It looks like a hotel, and a nice one at that. You also realize that you don't have boobs but do have a dick. Well, I guess I am a man. You laugh, a lower octave than you are used to, it actually shocks you before you realize, yet again that you are not you. Looking down at yourself, you notice a nice set of abs, which both pleases and alarms you. What if this guy is a fitness nut and expects me to be one too? No, no panicking. Not today. Maybe you should call yourself, see how the person who has your body is doing.

Silently picking up their phone, you realize that is has a passcode, one you don't know. Well fuck. Sighing, you get up, ready to see who you are, not that you are likely to know who you are, but just maybe, maybe you have met this man before. As you reach the mirror, it hits you. Like a wall of bricks. "Fuck!"

Sebastian's POV

This isn't my hotel. What the hell, is that? Reaching up, I grab boobs. "What the fuck?" Confused, I sit up, and see a ... a princess blanket? Okay this is getting weird. And Ariel is far too tan. At least the bed is comfy. Brows scrunched in confusion, I slide off of the bed, and walk around the house for a while, noticing very little. Not with my mind still racing at waking up with boobs. And not small ones at that.

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