Soulmate AU - Christmas Tree Drabble (Sebastian Stan)

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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x plus-size-fem!Reader
Premise: Sebastian and reader experience the readers odd way of getting ready for Christmas.
Warning: Fluff, weird ass reader (ish), Christmas trees, pure cuteness and weirdness, cute dog, language (?)
A/N: Decided I wanted to do this prompt for Panic's 25 Days of Christmas Fics by panicfob (tumblr) after reading theirs and remembering something I told my mom about a week ago. Also, I kinda want to do this when I eventually move out because I'm lazy and absolutely hate decorating the tree, I'll do it, but I don't like it. The tree talked about in the past tense is based off mine at the moment, pics may come later. I am also unaware if Sebastian celebrates Christmas (I think I saw somewhere that he was Jewish but can't confirm) and as Christmas is kind of a big deal in my family, I projected that onto him. I have no one I could ask for other religious traditions and if the day ever came that wrote something for them, I would want it to be accurate. This is unedited. 


You were lazy. After years of decorating a huge tree with your mom, it kind of lost its magic when it became a chore. It almost always took close four or five hours to get the tree done and even then, the sheer amount of ornaments on it made it hard to take down. Since you got a place of your own, you told yourself you'd never go through that process again, and you haven't. The only problem, Sebastian doesn't quite know about your odd quirk yet.

The two of you decorated his tree earlier, right before Thanksgiving actually, and even you had to admit his small tree was a little sad looking. It was only about three feet tall and had so few ornaments on it you found yourself wanting to go get more just because you could.

Truthfully, you've been trying to get Sebastian to forget all about the tree; hoping he wouldn't bring it up at all and then the next time he comes over, it would already be done and out. Which is why, today, the one Monday you've had off in forever, you are pushing your already decorated tree from the closet it hides in.

Unfortunately, the jingling of keys halfway through the process interrupts your yearly routine. "Surprise!" Sebastian yells, Mae bounding over to him.

You panic. The small but still decent size tree it in the middle of your hallway, fully decorated, wheels you installed yourself rolling along with a little help, stops. "Hey!"

"What're you doing?" He asks, smiling like he knows you're hiding something, which he probably does.

"Nothing." Your voice is far higher than normal, and you say it much too quick for it to be believable, but still, you hope he buys it.

"Doesn't seem like nothing."

"It is."

"Babe, what's in the hallway?"

"Nothing." Your voice squeaks. Mae, the little bugger she is, runs behind you, rattling the tree, busting what you hoped to keep secret for a while.

"Is that your tree?" He asks, a little disbelieving.

"Maybe ..."

"Fully decorated?"


"Please explain."

"I hate decorating my tree. I don't mind helping other people do theirs, but I hate doing my own. After the tree I had for years growing up, it got to be a chore, it took us hours to finish it and I just, grew to hate it. I told myself I was going to decorate my tree once and that was it, and I did." He continues to stare at you while you sheepishly smile at him. "So, I put lockable wheels on the base and bought one that I could fit in a closet, glued the tree-skirt on, and decorated it. Every year I push it out and pretend that I did the whole shebang everyone else does."

"You mean to tell me that you only did it once and that was it?" He asks and you nod. "That's genius!"

"I know it's weird – wait what?"

"I said that's genius." He repeats. "I hate decorating mine too but never thought about that."

"Sebastian! You have a tiny and sad little tree! It took us a half hour to do, nothing that warrants you hating it."

"I know, but I'm really bad at it." He admits, something you have to agree with.

"Okay fine, you suck at doing your tree, but maybe this year we can make it super pretty and then add all the extra stuff so it can be like mine."

"Sounds like a plan."

"First thing, we have to undecorate it so that I can put casters on the base, and we need to get you a better tree-skirt, and –"



"Why don't we get yours out of the hallway first."

"Oh, right."

I remembered to do this right after posting it on Tumblr! Yay me! It's the little things that excite me. 

~ Sam(antha)

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