Touch Starved* [b.b.]

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Premise: As an old friend of Sam Wilson you knew you could count on him when you needed. When you lose your apartment due to a nasty breakup, he offers you a place the Avengers* Compound, for a small price; you have to cook at least once a week. As you get to know the individuals better, you learn that Bucky Barnes has a super-soldier appetite for more than just food.

Warning: Language, fluff, humor, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it up), 18+, nsfw

*Resident Avengers: Steve, Bucky, Natasha, Wanda, Vision, Sam, Bruce. This is set after Civil War and is AU. Bucky also has his new arm featured in Infinity War and Endgame. Except for Bucky's arm and the new Bruce/Hulk, the events of the last two movies didn't happen.

A/N: As mentioned in the post linked above, this is not at all what I set out to write. Although, I don't actually know what I set out to write so that might be the problem. Anyway ... this is long (actual content is 4615 words), I could have added more but I figured I should stop. At least for now. The title also has nothing to do with the smut. This is unedited.


The day you walked in on your boyfriend of three years fucking some random bitch you didn't realize how much your life was going to change. You had only stood there, open-mouthed and gaping as he fucked her into next Sunday. The Chinese takeout slipping from your hands you stared as it hit the ground, interrupting their fuck-fest.

"What the fuck is going on?"

Jason, the douchebag, just stared as he debated trying to explain.

"Who are you?" The woman asks. You close your eyes, trying to gain a semblance of decorum before opening your mouth. To hell with it.

"I am, was, his girlfriend. Of. Three. Years." Her eyes go wide, hands clutching the sheet she was using to shield herself tighter now.

"Jason?" Her whiny voice is pleading. You want to vomit.

"Get out." You mutter, barely above a whisper. They both hear you anyway. "Get out of my apartment!"

Hurriedly, they scramble for their clothes. Jason sends me a pleading look. "Baby..."

"Don't." You look him in the eyes, forcefully holding in the tears. "You don't get to call me that. Not now. Not ever."

"But –" You pick up his pants, the ones he still hasn't put on, and throw them at him.

"I. Said. Get. Out." He doesn't argue after that.

You ate the Chinese food a few hours after they vacated the apartment. You sold it a few weeks after he came and picked up his stuff; the stuff you unceremoniously threw on the sidewalk.


The phone to Sam was a no-brainer. While the two of you had grown apart recently due to circumstances neither one of you could control, you knew him. You knew that in a pinch, he would help. Still, your voice shook as you explained. "I need a place to stay."

"Of course. Although, I might mention that my current lodgings aren't what you're used to." He says, rather sheepishly for Sam Wilson.

"What do you mean?" The phone becomes heavy in your hands as you await his response, the silence and his breathing on the other end deafening.

"I live at the Avengers Compound."

"Oh." You pause this time. "Am I allowed to stay over?"

"You are now." He says as if it is the most obvious answer in the world.

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