Soulmate AU - Snowflake Drabble (Sebastian Stan)

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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x plus-size-fem!Reader
Premise: Sebastian get to see Mae in the snow for the first time.
Warning: Fluff, adorable dog, pure cuteness, language (maybe)
A/N: Decided I wanted to do this prompt for Panic's 25 Days of Christmas Fics by panicfob (tumblr). Also, the interaction with Mae and snow is based off my little dog (Mae is so far unspecified in size and breed) and his love of all things snow. I wish I had a picture or video I could share but I don't so just use your imagination.


Mae has always loved snow. You thought it was quite funny, but even with the vivid stories, Sebastian has yet to see it. However, this morning, as the two of you sit cuddle up on the couch, sipping at your coffee, you spot it, the first snowflake. The smile pulling at your lips causes him to look questionably at you.

"What's got you so happy?" He asks, taking another drink.

"It's snowing."

"And? Don't you hate the cold?"

"I do," you reply, "but snow is Mae's favorite weather and you have yet to see her in it."

"I've heard the stories." He comments and you laugh.

"It's not the same. Later we'll take her to the park, and I'll let you see her run around."

"But it's so cold."

"I know, but you seriously have to see this."


Three hours later, bundled up in your full winter wear, snow now covering the ground and still falling, the three of you make your way to the dog park. Mae is jumping excitedly the entire way, tail wagging and tongue hanging out.

Unhooking her leash with a smile, you let her go. She immediately runs off, barking and biting at the snow, rolling around and playing with it. No matter how many times you see her, it never gets old. Clapping your hands, she comes running back.

"Wanna play with a snowball?" You ask, she wags her tail even harder. Sebastian only looks at the two of you with a longing and warm look.

Bending down and making a ball with your gloved hands, you throw it as hard as you can, Mae running after it with gusto. As it hits the ground you watch as she drops her nose to the snow and starts to dig around for it; something that always makes you smile.

You continue for a while, Sebastian even throwing a few for her, until your nose is so cold, you're afraid it will fall off. "Ready to go?" You ask both of them, Seb looks at you pleadingly.


"C'mon Mae, time to go home."

As soon as you arrive back at his place, she freezes. Standing just inches in the doorway, legs dripping with snowballs that have managed to get lodged in her fur, she shivers. "And so it begins." You mutter.


"Go get the hairdryer, I packed one in my bag." Leading her in the bathroom and hoisting her into the bathtub, you wait for Sebastian.

"Here," he pauses, "why is she in the tub?"

"Because she is covered in snowballs and it's cold and this is the best way to get them off."

"That still doesn't tell me why your wonderful dog is now in my bathtub." You want to scream at his denseness.

"I have to melt them babe. With the hairdryer."


"Now can you please plug it in?"

"Yeah." The slight blush on his cheeks grows, and you know it's from the bit of embarrassment because of how long it took him to get the gist of what you're doing.

"You wanna watch or ...?"

"Sure," he laughs, "I'll keep you company while you thaw out your dog."

"Very funny."

"Do you think this is what they did to melt Steve?" He asks, the teases smile on his lips enough to make you laugh. Turning on the dryer, you begin.

"Can't hear you babe, too busy melting my best friend."

Thought I posted this earlier today on here but I guess not. 

~ Sam(antha)

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