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For fics where the character/real person isn't stated in the title: [b.b] - bucky barnes; [s.r.] - steve rogers; [] - stucky; [s.s.] - sebastian stan. If nothing is listed, there is no real pairing.

Fluff Prompts

  1.  "You make the best pillow." [s.r.] 
  2.  "Did you get new shampoo? I like it." [s.r.]
  3.  "What ... oh, I guess we're cuddling. Okay." [s.s.]
  4.  "Why are you so damn perfect?" [b.b.]
  5.  "I need you to hold me."
  6.  "I hope you know that I love you."
  7.  "Hug me. Hold me. Kiss me."
  8.  "It's okay to not be okay. I've got you."
  9.  "Please, just, lay here with me." [b.b.]
10.  "So. Damn. Pretty."

Humorous Prompts

  1.  "What the hell are you doing, with MY ICE CREAM?" [s.s.]
  2.  "Don't you dare!" [s.s.]
  3.  "That frosting really brings out your eyes." [b.b]
  4.  "Is there a reason you are rifling through my dresser?"
  5.  "You've already stolen all the pillows, leave my fucking blankets alone!"
  6.  "This is quite comfortable." [b.b.]
  7.  "Why are you on the floor, covered in ... is that, what is that?" [b.b.]
  8.  "In your face! I love you."
  9.  "No! Please! You know I'm ticklish!"
10.  "Um ... sweetie, what is that?"

Sad / Angst Prompts

  1.  "Why do you hate me?" [b.b.]
  2.  "I did love you, once." [b.b.]
  3.  "We've both gone cold."  [s.r.]
  4.  "I don't know you anymore." [s.r.]
  5.  "How could you possibly love me? You don't even know what love is!" [s.s.]
  6.  "I'm done." [b.b]
  7.  "Leave. Now!"
  8.  "If that is truly what you believe, just go."
  9.  "I hope it hurts. I hope it hurts you just as much as it hurt me."
10.  "If this is what your love feels like, I hope no one ever feels your hate."

Smut Prompts

  1.  "Make me forget." [b.b.]
  2.  "I want to make you feel good." [s.r.]
  3.  "If you can still walk tomorrow, I'm not doing something right."
  4.  "I want to feel every inch of you."
  5.  "Does this open back mean no bra?" [b.b.]
  6.  "The things I want to do to you."
  7.  "I'm all yours tonight."
  8.  "Kiss me. Touch me. Fuck me."
  9.  "Put your hands on me."
10.  "My name sounds good coming from your lips." 

One-Shots | Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers (and actors)Where stories live. Discover now