Untitled Endgame AU 4

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Chapter 4 | Dawn

Everything was a blur once Steve realized that he had an army at his disposal. I knew it. he knew it. Thanos knew it. Then everything started going to shit again. Thankfully, a woman I had not met yet, obliterated his ship that so conveniently was shooting at everything. She reminded me a little of myself with the way her powers looked.

Another woman, red in color and power, also reminded me of myself; her powers also visually like mine. Neither seemed to notice. I tried to do what I could. But I had no training, no experience. I was simply a civilian that managed to get caught up in the mess. A civilian that managed to gain powers unknown to anyone.

The being's around me all fall as I look and see a burning piece of fabric. A collar. Two. The sounds of battle fade as I stare at it, stricken with the knowledge of who those collars belonged to. Maezi and Roxi. They're dead. I see small patch of fur beneath the rubble and begin to dig. Frantically, I move stones and wires and metal, all with and without my powers. I see the mangled bodies, bloody and crushed. Loved till their last breath.

The ringing in my ears turns violent. The dull thrum of power pulses. I scream. Guttural and broken, I scream. I feel my eyes glow, feel my hair stand at the ends, feel my entire body glow with the dark power rising in my veins. A large pulse of something comes from me, a circular surge that decimates everything it touches. Leaving noting standing.

I watch as the red powered woman, whose name I no longer care to remember, fight Thanos and almost wins. In my grief-stricken rage, I charge. His back is to me. Concentrating on the power, I pull it to my hands, and push. I push it through, out, to him, into his back. He falls forward. He gets up.

"Little girl. You cannot beat me." He says, eyes widening as he sees the black glow surrounding me.

"No. I probably can't."

"Then why do you fight?"

"You killed the only two things that mattered to me. And while I might be able to beat you and live. I sure as hell intend to beat you and die trying." I say, venom dripping from my voice. The realization hitting him.

I don't bother with aim. I barely bother with anything at all. I just push everything I can out at him. The impact knocks him back several hundred feet before a large animal topple over me, sending me flying. I watch as he nods to the beast before continuing about his business in search for that I assume is the gauntlet. I feel it in my bones the importance of him never getting it; never using it again.

Climbing to my feet I watch as Tony falls again. I watch as a strange man wearing a cape gestures with one finger to him. I watch as Stark nods before charging again. Closing my eyes, I think of the collars. I think of Maezi. I think of Roxi. I picture the flames encircling their collars. Then I see it; the entirety of Thanos's fleet, ablaze in a burning and horrid glory.

"Guy's, I need everyone out of enemy lines." I say, love hollow over the coms.

"Why?" Steve replies, his voice confused.

"I'm about to try something crazy."

"What kind of crazy?" The voice from earlier, the one that introduced the army, asks.

"I'm about to go medieval on the purple dude's ass." I say. I don't bother with anything else. I only walk away from the horde of people, my people, Steve's people, Tony's people.

I focus everything I have on wings. On fire. On scales. On a dragon. I feel myself begin to tingle, the fabric of the reality around my skin shift from real to one not so. I feel myself grow impossibly large. The skin on my back stretch and flare out. The surface, covering in hardened scales. Opening my eyes, I see everything. Sharper. Smaller. It worked.

Letting out one deafening roar, I stand on my hind legs before pounding forward. Wings flapping, beating harshly. Airborne. The wind under my wings a comfort from the monstrosity below. With another bellow, I open the large jaw of a creature only found in fantasy novels and let the fire, blue and red and orange, shoot out of my mouth. Never stopping, not really.

Gliding over the wreckage, I continue to rain fire, real fire, over the majority of Thano's fleet. None of them able to pierce the thick scales I created. The small holes in my wings the only indication that they tried. Even those however, stich themselves together quickly. If I had a human mouth I would smile at the destruction. But I don't and I can't. I settle for more flame.

I know it has only been seconds since my takeoff. Yet it feels like hours. Like everything is moving slower. I can feel myself grower weaker. The power holding me in the sky slowly slipping. Dropping down and landing with an unceremonious and very ungraceful grunt and puff of smoke, I roll onto all fours. The scales and wings, slowly slipping away as the power fades. My own human body taking its place.

I look and see Tony staring at me, hand poised and ready to snap, the stones in his glove. Without thinking I grab ahold of his opposite hand. My tight grip enough that he is forced out of his stupor, even through metal. Another hand grabs mine, a hand belonging to the flying woman from before. The red powered one, Scarlet Witch I now remember, grabs ahold of hers. One by one everyone looks to one another and grabs each other's hands.

Steve looks at me, then at Tony, who now has tears in his eyes. He latches onto his wrist. "Together." He says, quiet enough that only a few hear it.

"Together." Tony mumbles in response. Everyone looks to Thanos. His eyes wide, fists clenched, his burning army all but gone behind him.

"I am inevitable." He mocks, snapping his fingers once, twice, and nothing. Tony smiles.

"I am Iron Man." He pauses, hand ready, and looks around at the people surround him. "And we are the Avengers." With a deafening silence, he snaps.

One by one the soldiers remaining behind Thanos disintegrate. Even more slowly, Thanos himself sits, his body turning to dust along his fleet and burning army. Everything he brought, everything he gave, turns to dust before my very eyes. The sunlight from before, dancing through the trees once again. 

This is the third part of my Endgame AU (if I add more parts than I have posted on my Tumblr, I will create a seperate story). Enedited.

~ Sam(antha)

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