Soulmate AU - Sleigh Ride Part 2 (Sebastian Stan)*

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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x plus-size-fem!Reader
Premise: Smutty part of "Sleigh Ride"
Warning: Smut, 18+, nsfw, language, a bit of fluff.
A/N: This is the second part to the fic mentioned above. Also, for the sake of this part, the reader has long hair. This is unedited. 


The hot chocolate still running through your system, you stumble into Sebastian's apartment, laughing at the absurdity of the day. You still can't really feel your toes, or nipples for that matter, but it's getting better. The main question of the day, at least in regard to sex, is if Seb's dick still has enough feeling in it to get hard.

While the warmer hugs inside the café along with the hot drink helped, the shot walk that the two of you stupidly took back to his place completely negated everything prior. You're just as cold as you were to begin with.

"Alright, how are we doing this?" He asks.

"Start with kissing?" You offer, a light laugh escaping your lips. "See if that still works first."

"Good plan."

It is and was a good plan, that is until you actually lock lips with him. The touch of his nose, his icy and still frozen nose against your cheek, causes you to jump back, Sebastian doing the same upon your nose touching him.

"Okay, so maybe not." You chuckle.

"No, no, this is fine." Even he sounds teasing now. "It's just a little cold. We can do a little cold."

"I suppose." You overdramatically reply.

"Right, let's try this again."

This time, when your lips touch, nose brushing against his cheek, the two of you are prepared for the stinging bite of cold. Neither of you jump back, flinch a little, yes, actually jump apart, no. However, the second his ungloved hands touch you through your sweater, you squeal into his mouth.

"Fuck! That's cold!"

"Is it now?" He asks, teasing at full throttle. With a wicked grin, he slips his icy hands under your sweater and touches your bare skin. The resounding shriek from you sends him doubling over in laughter.

"Oh, you're gonna get it now." You warn, wiggling your hands towards him, a wicked smirk now on your face.

He doesn't fully register what you said before you have your hands on his waist underneath his own sweater, the cold biting him with fervor. He screams this time.

"Oh shit! That's fucking cold!"

"Not so funny now, is it?" You mock.

"Oh, shut up."

"Not before you."

The smiling kiss is a bit awkward as the two of you try not to laugh. Cold hands are still roaming, but it is getting easier to tolerate with every touch. As soon as your hands warm up, the hesitancy is gone. Thumbs are moving to buttons on pants and shirts are being lifted off and over each other's heads. The shoes and socks you both adorned earlier are not being thrown across the room, the thud making you break the kiss if only to make sure you didn't break anything.

The feeling of the soft mattress underneath your back makes you sigh. You love his bed, almost as much as you love him. "I love your bed."

"I love my bed too."

His hands move to your bra clasp as you arch up for him, the coldness of his hands all but gone. Your hair is going every which way on the mattress, fanning out almost comically. The sharp and unexpected tug isn't though. Sebastian, too busy with kissing down your not frozen chest, doesn't seem to notice.


"Huh?" His reply muffled by his mouth sucking the tip of your breast into his mouth.

"Babe, you're on my hair." However, the conviction isn't there when you moan loudly at the small nip, he gives you.


"It's ... oh fuck." You don't remember what else you were going to say as his kissing trails down, tongue lapping at your inner thigh.

The lick up your slit sends your eyes rolling back, head falling to the side, and an even louder moan from your mouth. The slight chill still on his nose feels anything but bad as it rubs your clit. "Fuck ... Seb."

Cold and soft fingers prod at your entrance, the delicious feel of it almost enough for you to start begging for him to do something more. You don't have to though, as he slowly, almost painfully so, slips two of his now warm fingers into you. Your hands fly to his hair, tugging at the shorter stands with abandon.

Movements pick up pace, you try to pull him closer, but he doesn't budge. The arm not already occupied moves up to pin your hips in place, allowing him to eat you like man starved. Just as you feel yourself start to reach the peak, he moves up, stopping all [ministrations].

"My turn." You mutter into his mouth, still able to taste yourself as he kisses you deeply. With a twist of your hips, you flip the two of you over, the slight rub against him causing both of you to moan.

Trailing wet kisses down his chest, you slip the thin boxers off, his cock springing free from its confines. Without warning, not that he really needs one, you lick the underside from base to tip, his head rolling back and the groan pulling from his lips.

"Fuck ... Samantha."

You don't really know where this surge of confidence is coming from, you hardly ever feel bold enough to take charge in this often. Yet here you are, tonguing his tip and cupping his balls, the reaction from him enough to spur you on. Taking a deep breath through your nose, you start to lower your head, the length of him filling your mouth.

He doesn't let you suck him for long though, pulling you up and grinding into your heat. "I am not going to cum in your mouth." He mumbles.

"What if I wanted you to?"


You grind your hips down, sliding yourself over him, his tip catching your clit as you do. Lifting yourself up just enough, you guide him to your entrance, the slow movement down causes his hips to jut upward.

"Oh fuck, Seb."

"You feel so good."

It takes you a second or two, maybe more, to start moving. The rhythm you set, slightly slower than he seems to want, is enough for you to start clenching. His denial of your first orgasm still helping in your sensitivity and his blissed-out look sure doesn't kill the mood either.

You start to move faster, boobs bouncing almost painfully as you do. His hands fly to your hips, steadying you as he pulls you down for another deep and tongue filled kiss. He surges up into you, gasping into your mouth as you clench around him.

Up and down, in and out. Fast and slow. Nothing seems to be enough for either of you. That peak seemingly just out of reach. After what feels like hours, the thrusts grow frustrated and your moan half-hearted.

"Seb, baby, this isn't working."

"Fuck ... I know."

"Maybe we're still too cold?"

"Feels pretty warm to me." He mocks and you laugh, really laugh. Every muscle in your body moving.

"Oh shit." He gasps. "Do that again."

You can feel him twitching in you, and you laugh again, clenching around him. His thumb moves to your clit and you clench harder.

"I don't think I've ever cum by laughing before."

"First time for everything."

And you do. Both of you do. Laughing at the absolute comical situation, you both cum to the sensation of laughter, a few well placed thrusts and grinds thrown into the mix as well.

"I love you Samantha."

"I love you too, ya big goof."

I'm proud of myself for remembering to post this here right after Tumblr. 

~ Sam(antha)

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