Soulmate AU - Interrupted Drabble (Sebastian Stan)*

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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x plus-size-fem!Reader
Premise: Sebastian gets a weekend away and comes to visit, and he has plans. Problem, Mae has other plans. 
Warning: Fluff, humor, language, adorably clueless dog, sexy times, smut, 18+, nsfw.
A/N: I was reading a fic a day or so ago, Drabble 2 - Chris Beck, by bucky-plums-barnes (tumblr), and now this. This is unedited. 
I apologize because I thought I had posted this here a month ago when I posted it on Tumblr. Anyway, please enjoy.


The jiggling of the lock informs both you and Mae of the welcomed intruder. He only had a couple of days with you this time, and the two of you planned on making the most of it. Maybe you would finally try out some of those toys you always say you will and then don't.

"Hey babe!"

"Hi Seb." You wrap your arms around his middle as he drops his bag on the floor. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He whispers, the breath next to your ear tickling slightly.

You pull away a bit, enough to look him in the eyes and see the desperation there. You get it; it has been week and after almost two together, you got used it, fast. Your fingers grab his shirt and pull him closer. "Kiss me."

"Gladly." Without much warning – not that you needed any – he slams his lips against your own, a bruising and desperate kiss. One that you welcome with matching vigor.

Hands travel, down backs, over sides, up fronts, and into hair. The slight tug on your is almost enough to make you moan. The travel back down and not subtle grab of your ass definitely makes you moan. The grind of your hips into his makes him moan.

"Bedroom." He breathes, the word barely audible between wet and open-mouthed kisses against your jaw.

Arms around his neck, his around your waits, one hand poised on your ass, the two of you walk into the bedroom, barely running into the door as you go. His jacket is thrown off and lands somewhere on the floor, your shirt follows as soon his arms are free. Running your hands up his torso under his still intact shirt, you trace the curves of his abs, ones he insists he needs to work on. You beg to differ, claiming they are perfect as is.

As your legs hit the bed and you collapse into it, he crawls over you, hands working on the button of your jeans, because for some reason you felt the need to put effort into him coming home. Pulling them off he trails a series of small kisses down your exposed legs, only enough to tease.

"You know," your words come out far breathier than you like, "every time we see each other, we seem to fall into bed."

He smiles up at you, head far too close to your clothed core to being doing nothing. "Do you want me to stop?" The smirk on his lips is enough for you to let out an indignant laugh.

"Hell no."

"Good." Seconds later, his lips are sucking on the cloth covering your clit, and the laugh turns into a wanton moan.

He doesn't linger, instead only giving you enough for you know he was there. Lips trail up your stomach, and over the cups of your bra and then to your neck and finally to your lips again. The delicious trail burning your skin.

"How fond are you of this lingerie?" He asks. You scoff at the look in his eyes.

"Very, Seb, very." Leaning up and giving him a peck, you unclasp your bra, your expensive bra and throw it across the room.

He groans, still not used to the sight of your tits, one of his favorite things to tease. Large and surprisingly soft hands move from your hips to your breasts, thumbing over your now hardened nipples. You feel the stubble on his face before you feel his lips wrap around one, and as he begins his delicious and torturous pace of sucking and twisting and scraping you throw your head back.

"Sebastian." The sound of his must do something because you get a pinch and a hard suck immediately after, and you love it.

He switches and brings his hand down to slip inside your panties, circling the previously abandoned clit. One small tug and your hips are bucking into his hand while he smiles around the sensitive peak of your breast. The same hand play with your nub begins to slip up and down your slit, dipping in ever so slightly each time. Teasing, but nothing more.

"Seb." You whine, something you never thought you'd do.

"Yes Samantha?"

"Stop teasing."

"But," his finger slips in just a bit more, "it's," more, "just," second knuckle, "so," swirl, "fun," and the long digit bottoms out. Biting your lip, you close your eyes and moan.


"You love it."

"Only if you move."

He does, smirking against your neck the entire time. One more finger and you can start to feel yourself clench around him, the weeks of anticipation enough to get there far too soon. A curl of his fingers and your done, the release you weren't prepare for crashing over you like a wave. You watch as pulls his hand away and slowly, deliberately, licks his fingers off.

"You taste good."

"Do I now?" You tease, sitting up, fumbling with his jeans, that for some reason he still has on.

"Yeah." He leans in a little, pausing your work. "Yeah you do." His tongue slips into your mouth, the taste of yourself causing both you to moan and then he is lifting himself up and ripping off the last pieces of his clothing.

He moves you to straddle him, half of his legs still hanging from the bed and without warning you slip down onto him. The long expanse of his neck delectable, too much so for you to resist latching onto the space just under his ear. The low moan from his lips causes you to clench around him as you start to move.

"Oh god babe."

The steady rhythm you set doesn't seem to be enough for him, or you at this point, but the awkward position of your legs is hindering you from moving faster. He seems to pick up on this quickly, shoving you down onto the bed and hovering over you. Arms straining on either side your head, he slowly starts to pick up the pace into a bruising pounding. The sounds loud enough to wake the neighbors if you had thinner walls.

Just as you start to feel him get sloppy, your own climax not far off, he stops. Head dropping to your neck he starts to laugh.

"Something funny?"

"She's licking my foot."

You see the laughter and utter humor in his eyes and can't help but start to laugh yourself. "Mae! Stop that." You tell her. She does, but only to jump up on the bed and shove her face down next to yours.

The two of you can't keep it in then. He falls onto you, almost without supporting himself, and then tears are slipping out of your eyes as the laughter continues. Mae, all the while is standing on the bed, staring at you two with her head cocked to the side.

One look to each other and then to her and the fit of laughter you thought was gone returns. "Mae, go get me a toy!" Her tail wags and she gladly hops off the bed and bounds to the living room. With panicked eyes you look to Sebastian.

"Close the door." You whisper-yell. He nods and quickly pulls himself from me, earning a quiet groan from both of us, and shuts the door, making sure to latch it this time.

"Now, where were we?" He asks, a smile on his face.

"About to cum I think."

~ Sam(antha)

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