Make me forget* [b.b.]

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt: "Make me forget." (via me)
Warnings: Smut, language

You could still hear the screaming. The sounds of desperate mothers trying to get to their children, kids wailing, just pure, terrified screams. Screams that you will never get rid of. Shuttering at the ominous thought, you walk into your bathroom, already peeling off your bloody and torn clothes.

Even though you know there was nothing else you could do, except for maybe learning to life twenty-million pounds, the feeling of inadequacy still settles deep in your stomach. Sure, this wasn't your first mission with the team, and it won't be your last, but it might be the hardest. The only saving grace was that the entire team wasn't there, meaning Bucky didn't have to hear the agonizing screams. He didn't have to listen a potential trigger.

As the water rolls over your back, hot to the point of almost burning, you let yourself think of him. The lingering glances, the friendly touches that are a tad long to be considered friendly, the across the room glances filled with heat. Despite yourself, you smile. Somehow, even after the worst day of your life, the man you finally admitted that you fell in love with, can always make you smile.

That smile is short lived though as you watch the water at your feet turns red with blood. Silently, you allow all the held back tears from earlier fall. Invisible with the water cascading over your face. A tentative knock sounds at the door.

"[Y/N], are you okay?" Bucky asks.

"No." You manage to mutter, knowing he will hear you.

"Can I come in?" He asks.

"Yes." Feeling a rush of cool air, you know he has entered the bathroom, most likely sitting on the toilet waiting for you to begin talking.

"Steve told me a little about what happened. I ... I want to say that it gets easier, but I can't. [Y/N], I'm sorry." Bucky says, voice close.

You begin to sob, loudly. "No one else was near me. I was alone. I had to ..." Another sob escapes your throat, "I had to watch as an entire building collapsed on hundreds of kids and their parents. I had to listen, unable to do anything as mothers screamed for their children and watched as they were killed." You explain, sobbing violently by the end.

You fall onto the floor of the bathtub, shower still raining down hot water. Curled up in a ball, you continue to sob. "Doll?" Bucky asks, his voice full of concern. "Can I help?"

You don't respond, still picturing the horror-stricken faces of the mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, children, everyone, even yourself as you all watched that building fall of the trapped kids. None of you able to do anything about it.

You feel air enter the shower, signaling that the curtain must have been opened. Neither you nor Bucky say anything as he reaches for the shower head, bringing the hand-held attachment down to rinse your hair. His flesh hand, slowly combing through your hair as he washes the shampoo out. Bucky continues to rinse your hair, following by conditioner, and the washing of your back. You barely register the water being turned off.

"Doll?" Bucky asks, "I need you to get out for me." You manage a miniscule nod. He holds out a towel and turns his head as you exit the sanctity of the bathtub. With the fluffy material securely wrapped around you, he begins to dry your hair as you stand just outside of the tub.

"Bucky?" You begin. He looks at you.


You don't know what to say. Everything you had prepared leaving your mind as his eyes meet yours. You collapse into his chest, getting his shirt even more wet than it was. You sob. Tears staining his once clean shirt. He just holds you, silently, strong. Neither of you moving, neither of you making a noise – except for your crying.

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