Every Inch* [s.s.]

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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader

Prompt: "I want to feel every inch of you." (via me)

Warnings: smut, fingering, oral (f and m receiving), semi-public, language, a bit of nerves, it's a clusterfuck of everything guys, nsfw, 18+


You knew John was going to be a demanding director the minute you stepped on set the first day. He had an aura about him that radiated power and superiority, one that you didn't exactly like. "We're filming most of the big stuff this week," he says. "I don't care what you need to do to get into the zone, just do it."

From reading the script you had a good idea what those scenes were; the angsty fight, the steamy scenes leading up to sex, and the big rather explicit sex scene itself. Normally, filming racy scenes isn't a problem; it's business. This time though, you could feel the heat climb through your veins every time you thought about it.

"Ready for tomorrow?" Sebastian asks, slinging his jacket over his shoulder.

"Hell no," you reply. "You?"

"Not particularly," he laughs, looking around. "Between you and me, John isn't my favorite director to work with."

"Nor mine. I've been luck before; always seemed to have good ones that understood life didn't exactly revolve around the movie. Guess that luck ran out."

"I've had a few that were a little on the wrong side of assertive, but John is by the far the worst."

"Glad to know it isn't just me then."

"Wanna grab pizza?"

"Only if it can be done in my hotel room while I am in pajamas."

"I'd be okay with that," Sebastian replies. "You're across the hall, right?"


"It's a date."

"Don't be thinking you'll get in my pants this early," you tease. "Save that for on set this week."

"Will do."

The knock on your door less than an hour later shouldn't startle you but it does. Sebastian's appearance in a t-shirt and sweats shouldn't set your blood on fire either, yet it is. "What'd ya bring me?"

"Pizza, as promised."

You glance at the box, seeing your favorite toppings on the order taped to the side. "You may enter."

"You know, most women that invite me back to their hotel room don't answer the door in a Bucky t-shirt."

"What!" You slam your hand to your chest in mock surprise. "Do they answer the door naked or something?"


"Well you'll see me naked soon enough," you mutter. "In front of a film crew even!"

"Can't wait."

The curtains don't do much to block the light from shining in and waking you up. You try your best to move, even if it is only to turn your head away from the annoying light, but you can't. It's only then, in your still half-asleep state, that you register a very heavy arm wrapped around your waist, and another a bit higher up on your back.

You open your eyes slightly coming face to face with the fabric of Sebastian's t-shirt. "Seb," you groan.

"Mmmmm," he moans, pulling you tighter, sighing when you don't resist.

"We gotta get up," you mutter.



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