Open Back* [b.b.]

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt: "Does this open back mean no bra?"
Warning: Smut, 18+, nsfw, language, unprotected sex (wrap it up), you get the picture here.
A/N: I decided that I wanted to try my hand again at one of my smut prompts. I think, at least I hope, that my smut has gotten better since my first time writing it. This turned out longer than expected. Tony, Nat, and Steve are still around in this too. This is unedited.


You've always hated Tony's idea of 'fun.' It was never what you though fun was; pizza, beer, laughs. No, this was one of his infrequent but highly anticipated and loved galas. You weren't the only one either, Bucky hated them as much as you, Steve wasn't a huge fan, and Natasha usually seemed to be thinking of creative ways to kill Stark.

Unfortunately, like all the others, the gala is mandatory. At least this time you would have a date. Ever since the last one, you and Bucky agreed to be each other's wing-person to save you both the constant flirting from men and women who only wanted money. It seemed easier, except for the fact that you may or may not harbor a crush for the metal-armed super-soldier.

You picked out the specifically for this reason, hoping he wasn't so dense as to miss the signals you were sending. The blue was even similar to his eyes, not that he would notice. Bucky, for being an almost unrivaled assassin, doesn't notice much. []

One last flick of your makeup brush, and you open the door leading out of your suite. Much to your dismay, Bucky isn't right there when you do, like he said he would be. As figured though, he is raiding the candy stash you had thought was hidden. "Bailing on me already Barnes?"

He looks up, a little guiltily, and his eyes go wide. "You look ..." He doesn't finish. You sigh.

"Are we doing this or what?"

"I suppose. It is mandatory." He replies.

You nod and hold out your hand, cautiously he takes it. "I hear there is going to be some Asgardian mead there tonight, you might be able to snag some and get a buzz."

"Really?" He turns to you, interest piqued. "I hope so, doing these things sober is horrific."

"I'm sure. I can barely do them tipsy."

"Don't drink too much tonight, I wouldn't want that pretty dress to go to waste."

"Of all the adjectives you could have used for this dress, you used pretty?"

He doesn't answer you, but you can tell he is smiling. "Thanks. For doing this."

"Your welcome." Your natural response of no problem not feeling right. "I hate these as much as you. Plus, you aren't bad company."

Both of you take deep breaths before entering the large communal room, decked out in the most expensive decorations Pepper would let Tony buy.

About an hour in, both you and Bucky have a slight buzz – he found the Asgardian liquor – and are still being wall flowers. The music started a few minutes ago, and the beats are good, something you suddenly feel like dancing to.

"Dance with me." You look up to him and give him what is hopefully a seductive look.

He doesn't respond at first, only wets his lips as he stares at you. "Sure."

Unenthusiastic but a positive response, so you'll take it. Leading him out you realize that his hand is going to be on your back, and a wave of awareness runs down your spine. "You okay doll?"

You were never one for pet names, but damnit if that one doesn't do you in. "Yeah. I'm fine." He nods but doesn't look convinced.

Just as the two of you get settled and mildly comfortable, the song changes; it changes to a very slow one, one that invites sensual activities. You scan the crowd looking for a culprit and find Nat staring at you, drink in hand, and a knowing smirk on her lips. Bitch.

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