Chapter 1: The King and his Queen

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The animals cheer at the sight of their queen alongside their new king. The two lions roar to symbolise the start of their reign which could be heard across the kingdom. Queen Rani smiles as she lovingly nuzzles Kion, her king. He returns the nuzzle before looking at his friends and family in the crowd. They couldn't be prouder. Kion locks eyes with one in particular. One of his most trusted and loyal friends and member of the lion guard. It was Fuli. The lion and the cheetah lock eyes and smile. They were happy that they had both found someone they love. Well, Kion was still a little unsure of Fuli and Azaad's relationship but he was happy that Fuli didn't have to be alone. Fuli nuzzles Azaad which he returns. They looked so happy.

The festivities lasted long into the night. Kion had to leave for a short period in order to get a break from the excitement. He walks down to the river of patience and looks at his reflection. The grey paint shaped into a V to show the sign of a king was painted on his forehead. He found it a little strange. It was probably because the traditions were different from those of the Pridelands. He turns his attention to the scar across his eye and frowns. He covers it with his paw to hide it as he looks at his reflection. He uncovers it again but he couldn't stop thinking about how much it reminded him of Scar, an evil lion spirit he spent his whole life fighting. He sighs and splashes his reflection.

"Should I start calling you your highness from now on?" asks a voice.

Kion jumps and looks towards the shadows where the feminine voice came from. He sighs in relief.

"Fuli, you scared me".

Fuli chuckles and sits beside him at the river, "You didn't answer my question".

It was Kion's turn to laugh, "I don't think I'll ever get used to that. Besides, why should you of all people call me 'your highness'? You're one of my best friends".

Fuli smiles and looks at their reflection in the water. The ripples caused by Kion eventually slow to a stop. Kion couldn't help but frown when he sees his scar in the reflection once again. Fuli must've noticed because she speaks up.

"You're nothing like Scar, Kion. You may have a scar just like him but Scar never had the love and respect of those around him like you do".

"I can't stop thinking about him though. What if I make the wrong decision like Scar did and mess everything up?"

Fuli chuckles and shakes her head, "Calm down. Scars don't define who you are, Kion. Who you are is on the inside".

Kion didn't look convinced. Fuli covers his scar, then his painted crown as she speaks.

"Scars and titles are not as important as the person on the inside...your highness".

Kion chuckles, "Thanks Fuli. Not just for this but for everything. You helped lead the guard when I couldn't. You stayed strong, brave, loyal and fast when I was weak. Thank you".

Fuli smiles, "It's what friends do Kion".

Kion gives her a friendly nuzzle which she returns.

"We should go back to the party before everyone starts getting worried," says Kion.

"Alright then".

Kion and Fuli return to the party. She walks with Kion to the pedestal where Rani waited for him.

"There you are. I was getting worried," says Rani.

"Sorry Rani. We were just talking," Kion replies as he refers to Fuli.

Rani looks at the cheetah who was walking past the pedestal.

"Fuli!" Rani calls as she runs over to her.

Fuli stops and looks at her, "Hello your highness".

Rani gives her a smile. "I can see you and Kion are close friends, right? I also wanted to apologise for when we first met because you and I got off on the wrong paw. I was hoping to get to know you better?"

Fuli looks at Kion. He gives her a reassuring nod.

"Apology accepted. I was just looking out for my friend and leader," Fuli replies.

"I want us to be better friends. Can we try to do that sometime?"

Fuli hesitates but she finally accepts, "I guess we can give it a try".

Rani smiles and says "Great".

Fuli didn't want to admit it at first but deep down she had a feeling they were going to be the best of friends. Only time and patience will tell.

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