Author's note

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We finally made it to the end of another story. Whoo!

I hope you all enjoyed this little story. It was really fun to write. I do apologise if the final chapters were not the best. I was honestly kinda rushing to get the story done.
And what an ending too! Oof! I'm proud of the epilogue. It wasn't something I planned originally, but I guess reading your comments inspired me.
And congratulations to everyone who guessed right that Azaad was the killer. It was kind of obvious and I apologise for that. It was really fun to read everyone's theories and comments. A lot of them were really smart and in depth and I honestly felt a little bad that I didn't do a better job...😅😳

So now that the story is over, what's next?
Well, I've been thinking about that a lot actually. And I'm sorry to disappoint, but I will be taking some time off to focus on school and prepare my next project. I will talk about that in a minute.

So, I've seen some comments asking if this is the end of my Wattpad 'career'. I know that I've been on this place for...almost 3 years and have written probably a few too many stories. Despite that, I am not quitting Wattpad. At least not for a while. I love this place and the supportive people on here too much to quit yet. Besides, I still have a few ideas in mind for stories.

I don't know if this worked or not, but I unpublished my old Tale of the Mlima Pride.

I was not happy with how it was going and I've been really busy with finishing my fanfics so I didn't have many opportunities to work on it. I've been thinking about it more and more and I now have a clearer idea of what direction I want the story to go. I've also been inspired by the YouTube series My Pride, but I'm not going to copy off them! After watching the latest episodes of My Pride, I realised that I wanted to add in more legends and stories as well as lion terms such as No Manes and Rogues to really push the story along.

So...I will be rewriting the story...😅😑...yeah

Depending on how things go, I would like to write 2 books. I don't want to give too much away, but if you have already read the first few chapters of my old Tale of the Mlima Pride, I am still going to follow the original concept, but add in more realistic ways/traditions of lions when they take over a Pride. Njeri, Tafara and Jabari will escape and seek refuge in the Majani Pride where Njeri will be betrothed to Heshima. The book is about 99% original with 1% being hints of references to Lion King and Lion Guard. That's all I'm going to give away except for the titles and book covers.

Book 1: Tale of the Mlima Pride - Broken Crown

Book 1: Tale of the Mlima Pride - Broken Crown

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Book 2: Tale of the Mlima Pride - The Fall

I'm not sure when I will upload the first chapter, but I will keep you all updated! If anyone has any theories as to what will go down in these book, leave them in the comments

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I'm not sure when I will upload the first chapter, but I will keep you all updated!
If anyone has any theories as to what will go down in these book, leave them in the comments. They're fun to read.

While everyone is waiting I will try to write some short Kiuli stories and maybe update Bunga Fun.
I did get some ideas for another Kiuli fanfic and though it pains me not write it, I realise now that I've been holding off Tale of the Mlima Pride for too long. I want to write something new, original and relatable in a way. I hope you all will stick around and support me as I work on this project.

My fanfic writing days are far from over so don't worry. They are just being put on hold.

And that's it. Thank you all so much for everything! You are the best!

Later Gators! GG out!

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