Chapter 16: A True Queen

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Kind of a short chapter but I hope you like it. Almost at the end guys!

Animals gathered at the Tree of Life, the sun not even close to rising in the sky. The animals were tired but were thrilled as they marched towards the tree. The stars had begun to fade, but the thought of a coronation lit up their faces. They all knew this was an event they will never forget. Kion stood on the small rock peak, looking down at the gathering animals. The animals began to cheer when the young Majusi, Makini makes her way through the crowd as Fuli followed suit. Fireflies danced around, lighting the pathway and casting a gentle yellow light around the animals so they can see in the darkness. The wind rushed over their heads, dropping white, yellow and blue flower petals and leaves. Fuli smiles as the leaves and petals gently fall around. She knew she wasn't alone. The spirits of the past were here.

Fuli makes it to the rocky pedestal and stands beside Kion, King of the Tree of Life. Half of it anyway. Makini stands in front of them and addresses the crowd.

"Animals of the Tree of Life. We know that these recent events have been difficult for everyone, and the royal family that had ruled these lands for generations is no more. However, it was due to these recent events that we discovered our lost history".

The wind rushes over everyone's heads, creating pictures and shapes of the story with the leaves and petals. The crowd watches them in awe.

"Spirits don't usually do that," Kion whispers.

Fuli smiles at him, "Who said they were lion spirits? The cheetahs are grateful. They're finally having their story told".

Kion returns the smile and they watch and listen to the rest of the ceremony. He understood that Fuli may have a connection to her ancestors like he did or that Makini spoke to them. Makini tells the story of the past and the events that have led up to this day. The animals quietly mourn the passing of Rani and the rest of her family. Makini steps back after her speech and invites Fuli to say a few words. She looks at the crowd, nervousness making her chest feel tight. She glances at Kion and he gives her an encouraging nod.

"I know that Rani's death, Azaad's betrayal and the discovery of the Tree of Life's lost history was unexpected and probably something no one could have seen happening. I know that there has been so much darkness lately but I believe that there is always something good, something bright to lead us out of it and to find something better. I do not wish to replace Queen Rani. She was like a sister to all of us and we all cared for her very much. I made a promise to her before she died, a promise to look after her kingdom and her subjects. That is what I will continue to do and I will give my life to serving the Tree of Life as your Queen if you will accept me. This is a choice for everyone to make. I accept it only if everyone else accepts me".

The animals cheer, dance and clap. Their smiles and accepting joyace cheers warms Fuli's heart. They already see her as one of them and as their queen.

"My ancestor gave up her gift and title to protect her coalition. I have never heard of something so brave and selfless. I will follow in her pawsteps as well as Rani's to be the best Queen I can be. I will honour their sacrifices and carry their stories with me for the rest of my life. You have my word," Fuli finishes and the animals break out into more cheers before they start singing.

"Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!" they chant as Makini brings forward the ceremonial paint.

Makini dips her fingers into the paint and shows Fuli the colour before she paints a symbol on Fuli's forehead.

"The cheetah's had a slightly different coronation tradition," Makini explains as she paints Fuli's forehead with green paint, "The green is symbolic of life and health. I thought this would be a great way to honour their way of life all those years ago".

Fuli smiles and closes her eyes as she and Makini feel the wind dances around them.

"They are proud of you and Kion," Makini whispers.

"Thank you Makini," Fuli smiles.

Makini takes a step back and addresses the crowd once more. Kion stands proudly beside Fuli.

"Long live King Kion and Queen Fuli! The protectors of the Tree of Life!" Makini yells.

Fuli smiles and turns away from the crowd and Kion. She looks pitifully at the burnt almost dead tree that was home to many kings and queens before her. Fuli places her paws on the root of the tree and concentrates.

"You will be well again," she whispers to the tree.

The sun begins to rise over the horizon and the tree starts to heal. The ash and scarred bark of the tree is blown away by the wind and broken branches reach out to the sky. Little green leaves sprout from the branches and the Tree of Life looked like it had never been affected the fire. If anything, it looked bigger and better. The animals ooh and ahh as they watch the tree heal.

A gust of wind caresses Makini's face and she beams with pride, "I know. She has made all of us proud. Kion too. They needed each other and they will keep the balance".

Kion walks over to Fuli and stands by her side, "You healed it".

"I did more than heal it. I gave it a piece of my gift. Queen Jana and others used Kimbia's gift to heal others. They could not take it or control it, instead they learned how to work with the tree. That was how she healed the sick and injured. I believe the gift should not belong to myself alone. The gift is for anyone that needs it," Fuli explains.

Kion nuzzles her affectionately and listens to her purr, "You are an amazing Queen".

Fuli smiles and looks at him, "Just as you are an amazing King".

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