Chapter 10: Lions and Cheetahs

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Another chapter out! However, I have some bad news. I am not going to upload a chapter for the next 2 weeks because I have a lot of work to do on assignments and study for exams. I know I have written ahead but I still need to proof read my work. I hope you all understand.

"Fuli!" Azaad yells as he slows down to a halt.

Fuli looks up from the watering hole from which she was having a drink. She smiles at her fellow cheetah friend.

"Hey Azaad. If you want a race, I can't right now unfortunately".

Azaad shakes his head and sits beside her, "I had a feeling, but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about".

Fuli gets up and turns to leave, "Can it wait? I really need to go. Kion and I are about to meet with some of the animals to sort out some issues and to get a report on their homes".

"Fuli, Fuli, Fuli. Just slow down for once and think about yourself instead of Kion or anyone else for that matter if not just for a minute".

Fuli gives him a look as she begins to walk away. Azaad quickly catches up and makes sure he doesn't get left behind as she walks.

"I've heard the kingdom talking about you. They believe you're a great leader and queen. If anything they think you're as good as Rani. Maybe even better," Azaad explains.

The cheetah queen stops in her tracks and gives Azaad a look. A look of annoyance.

"Get to the point Azaad," she says, the irritation clear in her voice.

"You should be the queen. Not some stand in mentor for a lion who can't do a thing without help. You, Fuli, I see so much potential that is being wasted every second you stand on the sidelines for a title that should be rightfully yours".

"I never wanted this responsibility. Azaad, I'm flattered you and others believe that I am a good ruler but I was only doing Rani a favour and now I'm helping Kion. Besides, they are my friends. I would never betray their trust like that. The power, the title and the kingdom is theirs," Fuli replies with a sigh.

"No!" Azaad bites, "Rani gave you all of her powers as Queen. She gave you that title. Rani and Kion were never actually married so he has no rightful claim to the throne. You have more claim than Rani's family now! They are weak. Kion too but you are strong Fuli. All you have to is break it to Kion. Surely that prince knows the law".

Fuli laughs, "Even if I did, there has never been a cheetah queen before. I'm just helping. I'm not a true queen or princess for that matter. I have no royal blood".

"You think blood and species is everything, don't you?" He scoffs, "What if I told you that cheetahs used to rule these lands until lions, the very kind you lead beside took it all away from us?"

Intrigued and worried about what Azaad was saying, she listens. Every word he tells her runs through her mind. The story about the Tree of Life in the early stages of its history makes her head spin. The thought of cheetahs ruling this land makes her curious. This wasn't possible. Azaad has no proof. Surely he must be telling fairytales.

"Just think about it. Please?" Azaad begs as he finishes.

After a moments hesitation, Fuli nods, "Fine".

The two cheetahs part ways, leaving the watering hole and it's guarding trees empty and silent. Almost. A young mandrill who had been collecting herbs had heard their entire conversation. She was intrigued by this story of lions and cheetahs. Makini sits down crossed legged with her staff resting on her knees. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Shwari," she whispers.

Makini thinks Azaad's story over and over in her head.

'Cheetahs found the Tree of Life first. The land rightfully belonged to them. The lions were second. They were jealous and hated the cheetahs and tried to take the land for themselves. They formed a team of fighters called the Night Pride to eliminate the cheetah King and Queen. They were successful. They took the land and chased the survivors away. This story is now lost history to many except a few. I only know because my ancestors were one of the survivors. I came here in hopes of finally seeing my ancestors get justice' Azaad had said, 'I believe the time will soon be here when you claim the throne. It is not betraying your friends, Fuli. It is doing what is right and as Queen, you must do what is right'.

Something inside her told her it was a lie, but there was a bit of truth in it. She couldn't let this go. She needed to find out more. Makini grabs her staff and runs off to find clues, leaving her herbs behind. For once she didn't care. If cheetahs truly had ruled this land, this could change everything.

After a long day of royal duties, an exhausted Fuli yawns as the last animal she and Kion were talking to finally leaves. Kion nudges her shoulder to keep her awake.

"Tired?" He asks.

Fuli gives him a look, "I never get tired. Kingdom before myself".

"I know, but you should still take care of yourself. Are you hungry?"

"A little".

Fuli's stomach growls loudly. She hadn't eaten all day. Kion gives her a worried glance, but tries to smile.

"You know, I have a surprise for you if you don't mind sticking around for a little while longer," Kion says.

"What kind of surprise?"

"Stay here and be patient," Kion answers.

He quickly runs off and brings back a hunted gazelle. Fuli could feel her mouth water as she stares at it hungrily.

"I thought you could use some dinner. You said it yourself that you've hardly had time to hunt. It's also the least I can do to thank you for everything".

Fuli couldn't help, but smile at her lion friend and king.

"Thank you Kion. It's really sweet of you," Fuli says

Kion nudges the carcass to her and she begins to eat. She invites him to eat with her and the two of them eat until their stomachs are full.

"I better go home now and get some sleep. See you tomorrow Kion," Fuli says as she leaves.

"Bye Fuli. See you then," he replies.

As he watches Fuli run off into the distance, Kion sighs. He didn't realise how lonely he felt when Fuli wasn't by his side. He almost always had someone with him. His parents, Kiara and Rani had always kept him company and it was normal for lions to stay together or be in a group or pride. Being alone makes him miss Rani even more. He wished she was still alive or wished at least Fuli would stay with him. He could never understand how cheetahs liked being alone. It's so quiet and empty and cold being alone. Being alone means that no one could watch your back. How vulnerable Fuli must feel sometimes. No. Fuli is strong. She has survived on her own for a long time. She is used to it, but he couldn't brush away the feeling of her wanting company sometimes. Kion looks up at the sky then back at the ground as he walks into the den inside the Tree of Life alone.

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