Chapter 17: We Are One

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They say time moves fast when you're having fun. For Fuli, it feels like the whole world stops whenever she lays her eyes on Kion. It still feels like yesterday when they were teenagers confessing their feelings for one another. Now they are young adults, ruling the land as partners. They had taken things slow and kept it secret just in case. Although quite of few animals had an idea they were more than friends. They spent all day, every day together. They worked together when they had duties to take care of and had fun whenever they had the chance.

Fuli had grown into a beautiful young cheetah queen. Her spots were now completely black and her legs became stronger for running. Her beauty only seemed to grow every day. Kion too had grown. His mane was now thick and covered his shoulders and chest. His muscles were naturally bold enough to intimidate other lions should he ever have to fight one.

The land was peaceful and they never had to deal with enemies who were trying to cause chaos at the Tree of Life. Kion and Fuli just assumed they gave up and wanted to move on with their lives. That was fine by the two felines. Being King and Queen was stressful enough without having to worry about enemies attacking.

"So my queen?" Kion asks as Fuli lazily rested her chin on his back, "We have the rest of the day to ourselves. Anything you wanted to do other than lay here?"

"You don't enjoy the peace and quiet?" Fuli asks with a smirk on her lips.

"You know I do," Kion replies as he leans over to lick her cheek, "I just thought we could do something a little".

Fuli's smirk only seemed to deepen as she lifts her head off his back. She playfully moves her tail from side to side as she looks at Kion.

"Active hmm? A few ideas come to mind".

Kion's face reddens and he starts stuttering nervously. So much so he could barely get the words out. Fuli laughs and nuzzles him.

"I'm teasing. Come on Kion, let's go for a walk,"

She gets up and starts walking with Kion following her lead.

"Please don't do that. You caught me off guard," Kion grumbles.

Fuli laughs, "But you were an adorable stuttering mess".

Kion gives her a look which makes her laugh more.

"Alright handsome. I won't tease you," Fuli promises.

They continue on their walk, enjoying each other's company while giving each other an occasional lick or nuzzle. They suddenly stop when they hear a rustle in the bushes.

"Who's there?!" Kion growls, taking a step forward.

Bunga and Binga jump out of the bushes while laughing as they tuck and roll. Kion jumps back to avoid Bunga landing on his face.

"Hiya your kingly-ness and queenly-ness!" Bunga greets cheerfully, "That was so much fun! Binga and I were racing and jumping and avoiding obstacles!"

"And you lost, Bunga," Binga finishes.

"I did not!" Bunga argues.

They start chasing each other and run around Kion and Fuli, using them as shields. Fuli grabs Binga and Kion grabs Bunga to stop them chasing each other.

"How about you two slow down for a minute," Kion says once he puts Bunga back on the ground.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot. We came here looking for you," Bunga replies.

"We overheard some birds talking while we were playing hide and go scare. They said some pretty interesting stuff," Binga continues.

Fuli puts her on the ground and gives the honey badgers a curious look, "Interesting stuff?"

"Yeah! They said you two were dating or something, but that's ridiculous," Bunga answers, "Last I checked, Fuli hates romance and Kion does not like the idea of being in a relationship".

"Really now?" Fuli asks, glancing at Kion playfully.

Kion rolls his eyes and looks at his friend, "That was when we were cubs, Bunga, and we said those things before we came here".

"Exactly," Fuli says, "Things change overtime".

The two felines give each other a little nuzzle and Bunga's mouth drops wide open. He looks at them in complete shock and surprise. Binga claps her hands and yips for joy.

"I knew it! That is amazing to hear!" She yells.

Kion and Fuli smile at each other. Binga nudges Bunga's arm and he finally snaps out of his frozen trance.

"THIS IS UN-BUNGA-LIEVEABLE!!!" he screams, "How long? Does anyone else know? What about Kion's parents? Will they be mad? Is this even natural?"

"Okay, slow down!" Kion breathes, "We've been together since a little before Fuli's coronation, no one really knows about us, I don't know what my parents will think and is it natural? To some, its not natural but I don't care. I love Fuli with all my heart".

Fuli nuzzles him and purrs, "And I love you".

The two honey baders aww at the couple.

"By the way, you guys are not very good at keeping your relationship discrete. Almost the whole kingdom knows and they support you all the way," Bunga says out of the blue.

"WHAT?!"Kion and Fuli scream.

"Sheesh! Don't get your tails in a knot. This is great news!" Binga replies, "We better get back to our race. We just wanted to confirm that. Bye!"

The honey badgers race off. Kion and Fuli did not know what to say. They stare at where the honey badgers had disappeared.

"Everyone knows?" Fuli asks.

"I guess so," Kion replies, "Let's just keep going on our walk".

As they walk, Kion could not help but feel like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Everyone already knew about their relationship. They all supported them despite being different species. At least the rumours saved Kion from telling everyone and he knew without a doubt Bunga and Binga will confirm the rumours for them. They arrive at the River of Reflection and they sit at the edge of the river. They sit in silence, enjoying each others company as they watch the sunset.

"Hey, Fuli?" Kion asks.

"Yes, Kion?" came her reply.

Kion takes a deep breath as he looks into her beautiful emerald eyes. His heart begins to flutter in his chest as he tries to find the right words.

"Remember when we were cubs? When we first met?" he begins.

Fuli nods, "After I was allowed to stay in the Pridelands you wouldn't stop leaving me alone".

Kion chuckles but continues, "I wanted you to feel welcomed and I wanted us to be friends. Then we become members of the Lion Guard. You always stayed by my side".

"Of course I did. I cared about you as my friend and leader. Besides, you were always there for me when I needed you," she replies.

"And now we are the King and Queen of the Tree of Life. Still partners fighting together until the end, right?"

Fuli chuckles, "Right".

"Well...I...What if we stayed together...permanently?" Kion asks.

Fuli's eyes widen and her heart skips a beat, "Are you asking what I think you're asking?"

Kion nods and bends down low into a bow, "Queen Fuli of the Tree of Life, will you be my mate for life?"

Fuli tackles him to the ground with her landing on top and Kion laying on his back facing her. She smiles warmly at him, her eyes full of love.

"Yes," she answers, "Yes I will be your mate for life".

Kion pulls her to his chest and gives her a loving embrace as she purrs and licks his face.

"I love you. I always will. Until the Pridelands end," Kion whispers.

Fuli smiles at him, "I will always love you too. Until the Pridelands end and beyond".

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